Becky's Graduation

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Selena's P.O.V.
My oldest daughter is graduating today! I feel so old!

I'm so happy, I just hope that Jillian behaves. She can be a problem child sometimes.

"Jill, come here so that I can get help you get dressed" I yell from my room.

Jill runs into my room and I put her in her flower dress.

"You look beautiful, baby girl" I say to her as I kiss her forehead.

"Thank you mommy, but you look more beautifuler than I do" she said.

"You mean more beautiful?" I ask.

"Right! More beautiful!" she said as she ran out.

Becky's P.O.V
Well that's it. I'm officially now, a high school graduate!! I couldn't be happier.

My parents are throwing me a huge party to celebrate and I'm so excited! They invited a bunch of famous people!

They invited Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, the rest of the One Direction boys, Fifth Harmony, Cimorelli, Little Mix, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Matty B, the cast of Switched at Birth, Cody Simpson, Austin Mahone, and so many more people.

It's going to be the social event of the year!

Harry's P.O.V.
We went home and set up the party.

Once it was about 5:30 we all went to get ready. The guests started arriving at 6:45.

I was put on door duty. I had to stay at the door to open it for people.

But it was fun, because Jill came to keep me company. Jill really loves Cimorelli and Fifth Harmony, so we didn't tell her that they are coming.

I heard another knock on the door. Both, Jill and I went to the door. As I opened it, Jill hid behind me.

"Hi Harry! How are you?" Christina asked.

"I'm good, how are all of you doing?" I ask.

"Good, thanks" Katherine says as she smiles at me.

Selena told them about Jill before they came.

"So where is that adorable youngest daughter of yours? Selena has told us so much about her!" Lisa says excitedly.

I step to the side so that they can see her.

"Aww she's so cute!!" Lauren exclaimed.

"Hey Jill, how about you give them a tour of the house?" I say to her.

"Ok daddy!" She says.

Jill takes Lisa's hand and leads them all upstairs.

That little girl is the cutest kid that I have ever seen.

After about 20 more minutes of opening the door Amy and Dani walked over to me.

"Hey Harry, Dani has a question for you..." Amy started.

"Ok Dani, go ahead and ask me" I say.

"Can we please steal Jill?? PLEASE HARRY PLEASE?!" She asks.

"Haha go ask Selena, because it's a no from me" I say.

With that, they both walk off to find Selena.

Once Fifth Harmony arrived, I thought that it would be cool to surprise Jill with a plan that I thought of.

"Hey, I have an idea! Could you girls go upstairs and wait in the spare room for me?" I ask them.

"Sure!" Ally says.

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