Whats going on?

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Jill's P.O.V.
"Aunt Taylor?" I ask.

"Yes it's me, you little brat. Who did you think I was? Carrie Underwood?" she said sarcastically.

She then punched me in the face.

"Justin and I told you not to tell anyone what we did to you 8 years ago. We have been in jail all this time, because of you! You jerk!" she said as she kicked me a few times.

Camila's P.O.V.
The girls & I were swimming and I looked over to see what Jill was doing.

"Guys is that Taylor Swift? And did she just punch & kick Jill?" I ask.

"Yes and yes" Lisa replied.

We all got out and ran over to them.

"What the heck is going on here?!" Normani yelled at Taylor.

"Oh, Jill and I were just talking..." Taylor said with a smirk.

"Isn't that right, Jill?" she asked.

Jill weakly nodded and looked me in the eyes.

I saw a tear roll down her check. Pain was in her eyes, pain and terror.

"Really? Because it looks like you just punched and kicked her Taylor. Care to explain that?!" I asked, obviously annoyed at this point.

"What? Noo we were just talking, that all that happened" she sounded more nervous than before.

"Jill, what really happened?" Dani asks in a soothing voice.

Jill looked at Taylor and then at us, but said nothing.

"Tell us what happened. Please, we want to know" Lauren (Cimorelli) said more strictly, but also soothingly.

"She...she...she punched me & kicked me a few times...she called me a little brat and a jerk...she said I wasn't supposed to tell anyone what Justin and her did...that it was all my fault that they went to jail..." Jill explained.

Taylor tried to run away, but Christina and Normani caught her.

Dani and Lauren (Cimorelli) called the police as the rest of us cared for Jill.

"Are you ok, princess?" I asked.

She shook her head and pointed to her stomach.

"How bad does it hurt, on a scale of 1-10?" Dinah asks her.

"9.5" she replies.

"Do you think that you need to go to the hospital?" Katherine asked Jill.

She nodded.

"Ok, you girls stay here and talk to the police. I'll take her to the hospital, keep me posted" I say.

Everyone nods.

I drive to the hospital and they took her in immediately.

I texted Selena to tell her about it.

Hey Sel, we went to the beach and Taylor was there. She punched Jill and kicked her a few times in the stomach. I know that she'll be fine, but I just wanted to let you know. ~Camila

A few minutes later I got a reply back.

Thanks for letting me know, tell me how she is. And also have her call me later. Oh and btw, don't tell Harry...he's under a lot of stress lately, so it would just add more. ~Selena

Ok, will do! ~Camila

I sat there for another hour or so and finally a doctor came out.

"Jill Gomez?" he called.

"I'm her guardian" I say as I stand up and walk over to him.

"Are you Camila?" he asks.

"Yes, why?"

"Jill has been asking for you...she's in room 147 and she will be able to leave in a few hours.

"Ok thank you"

I find the room and slowly open the door.

Jill is laying in bed watching a basketball game.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?" I ask.

"Good...sore, but good" she answers.

She slowly moves to one side of the bed and I look at her confused.

"Lay down with me please" she asks.

"Sure hun" I say.

I lay on the other side of the bed and wrap my arms around her.

"I love you Camila" she says quietly.

Authors note: they are not lesbians, they are like mother and daughter or sisters. So when they say love, they don't mean romantic love, kay? Kay. Oh and btw I don't have anything against gays and lesbians. I'm just explaining the story. Ok, back to the story...

"I love you too" I reply.

Jill slowly drifts off to sleep and all I can think about is the beach.

How could someone be so mean to a sweet little girl like Jill?

---------------an hour later---------------
The doctor walked in.

"She can leave now, I just need you to come and sign her out" he said.

"Ok thank you" I say.

I shook Jill a little bit and I whisper, "Jill, babe, you gotta get up so that we can go home"

She woke up and I signed the papers.

We went back to the house to find all the girls sitting in the living room.

"Jill why don't you go to your room and call your mom? She said that she wanted you to call her" I say to her.

"Ok" she says as she walks upstairs.

As soon as she's gone, I turn to the girls.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"Taylor broke her parol and was sent back to jail for a longer sentence this time" Dinah said.

"Oh and the Cimorelli girls went home, but they want to come over tomorrow to check on her, if that ok with you?" Lauren says.

"Yeah that's fine" I reply.

Jill's P.O.V.
I go up to my room and call my mom.

(J- Jill S-Selena)

S- hello?

J- hey momma

S- Jill baby, are you ok?

J- yep I'm fine

S- ok good

J- so where's dad?

S- I thinks he's in Florida right now

J- oh...and where are you?

S- Paris

J- ok well I should get going

S- ok call me soon, I love you!

J- love you too mom

S- ok bye

J- bye

I hang up and see that I have a text message...

I hope you are feeling better, we are all coming to see you tomorrow so get some sleep! See ya in the morning. ~Christina

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