Who will I stay with?

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----------------8 years later---------------

Jill's P.O.V.

I'm 14 years old now and yes, I do still keep in touch with Cimorelli and Fifth Harmony.

Becky is now 26 years old and she is married with two adorable kids.

Mom and dad are doing well.

One Direction is still going strong, as well as mom's singing and acting career.

Mom is leaving for a world tour and dad is going on a USA tour on Monday.

They still haven't figured out where I will stay.

Becky can't have me stay with her and her family, because she's busy with the kids.

Maybe one of the girls from Fifth Harmony or Cimorelli could let me stay with them?

That's a great idea! I'll go ask mom and dad.

"Momma! Daddy!" I yell.

"In the kitchen, baby!" I hear mom yell.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen.

"What's up J?" dad asked me.

"Well what if one of the Fifth Harmony girls or one of the Cimorelli girls took me in while you both are gone?" I ask.

"I think that's a great idea, bud!" dad answers.

Yeah he calls me bud, because I'm kind of a tomboy.

"I'll go call them!" mom says as she walks into the living room.

Dad comes over and hugs me.

"I'm gonna miss you! Call me everyday, kay?" he asked.

"Sure I will dad" I answer.

Mom came in with an excited look on her face.

"Guess who you are staying with!" she said happily.

"Who??" I ask.

"You will be staying with..."

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