Adopt Her?

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Ally's P.O.V.

Adopt her?!

"Adopt her?" I say to Camila.

"Yes! Her parents are dead and just before Selena died, she said that she wanted you to adopt her...come on, you'll be a great mother" she replies.

"Ok, I'll adopt her...I'll go talk to her and then go sign the papers" I say before leaving the room.

I walk into Lauren and Jill's room and they were both in there packing.

"Hey Lauren, can I talk to Jill alone please?" I ask.

"Oh uh yeah" she says and she leaves, closing the door behind her.

"So what's up?" Jill asked as we both sat on the bed.

"Um well...this is hard to say, but your parents were in a car crash" I say.

Jill's P.O.V.

A car crash?!

"Are they ok??" I said.

I didn't even notice that I had started to cry.

"Sweetie...they're not with us anymore" Ally says.

I cried a lot harder and Ally wrapped her arms around me.

She calmed me down by rocking me back & forth and signing to me.

After awhile of silence I asked, "What's going to happen to me? Where am I going to live?"

"Well, before your mother passed, she said that she wanted me to adopt you" she said.

"Oh...are you going to?"

"I wanted to make sure it was ok with you before I went and did it, but yes I am prepared to adopt you"

"I'd love for you to become my mom...your already like a mom to me, Ally. Thank you so much for taking me in after all that just happened to me" I said.

"It's no problem at all, I love you so much and I know that you'll be a perfect daughter. So I'm going to go to the closest courthouse and adopt you, would you like to come with me?" she replied.

"No thanks, I think I just wanna go get a snack and sit on the balcony" I said.

"Ok I'll be back soon" she said.

She kissed my forehead and hugged me before leaving.

I finished packing and grabbed and an apple before heading out to the balcony.

The girls were nowhere in sight so I'm guessing that Camila knows about it and is explaining it to them.

Suddenly, I hear a voice behind me.

"Jill I'm so sorry about what happened...I got the call and told the girls" Camila said.

"It's ok...I know that they are in a better place now, plus Ally is going to be a great mother" I say.

"So I guess I am really going to owe you both $30 and I'm going to end up kissing a pig?" she said.

I giggle a little bit, "I guess so"

After everyone finished packing (and Ally got back) we decided to watch a movie. We brought two chairs from the balcony into the living room area.

I walked into the room after getting changed into some shorts and a tank top. I saw Normani, Camila, and Dinah on the couch, Lauren in one chair and Ally in another.

Oh wait, Ally legally adopted me so I guess I should call her mom now.

So I walked over to mom and she patted her lap.

I sat on her lap and put my arms around her waist while she put her arms around my waist.

Dinah's P.O.V.

Camila decided that it would be best if Jill was in the same room as Ally so Normani is going to share a room with Lauren and Camila will be sharing a room with me.

About halfway through the movie Jill fell asleep in Ally's arms so Normani and I took pictures and sent them to Ally.

The movie was really boring so Ally picked Jill up and took her to there room. Once she came back, we paused the movie and talked.

"So what's it like being a mother?" I asked Ally.

"It's actually really awesome. I'm so happy that I adopted her and I know that she will make me proud" she replied.

"So is Camren real yet?" Normani asked.

"We're just friends" Lauren replied.

We talked for awhile before going to bed.

We have to get some sleep before the plan ride tomorrow.

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