Plane Ride

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Jill's P.O.V.

I woke up in my parents bedroom back at home.

I looked around to see both of my parents peacefully sleeping.

I watch them for a few minutes and until a man walks in the room.

He grabs my mom's right leg and my dad's left leg and begins dragging them out of the room.

I scream and trying to pull them back but the man is to strong and he wins.

He takes my parents away from me.

The next thing I see is Times Square.

I'm the only one there until Ally appears.

I hug her and tell her what happened to my parents.

But before long, she is also taken away by the same man.

I wake up to someone shaking me.

"JILL! JILL, WAKE UP!" Ally says.

"Mommy!" I say.

I hug her and then I begin to cry.

"Shh it's ok, it was just a bad dream. Do you want to talk about it?" she asks.

I nod my head and explain it to her.

"I thought lost you too" I say while crying even harder.

"Shh it's alright. I'm right here, sweetie and I promise, I'll always be here for you"


"Your welcome, now got back to sleep"

We both lay back down and there is a few minutes of silence before I speak again.


"Yes baby?"

"I love you"

"I love you too, honey" she says before kissing my forehead, wrapping her arms around me, and falling asleep.

Normani's P.O.V.

We all slept in until about 12:00 pm so we are rushing around getting ready, because our flight leaves at 5:00 but you should be there 3 hours early.

Really, we need to be there now so that we can get through security and everything.

We gather everyone in the van and drive to the airport.

We all heard about Jill's bad dream last night and we are being quiet so that she can sleep peacefully on Ally's shoulder.

We got to the airport and Ally had to carry Jill because she was too tired to even walk.

We got through security and waited for like 5 million hours until we boarded the plane.

I decided to sit by Dinah so that Ally could be with Jill and Camren could be together!!

Lauren's P.O.V.

I was sitting next to Camila on the plane and I decided to finally ask her.

"Hey Camz?"

"What's up Lo Lo?"

"Um I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend? I know that we haven't been on any dates but if you say yes, as soon as we get back for the tour I'll take you on the best date ever"

"I don't know Lauren...I'll think about it"

After that she put her head phones in and fell asleep.

I decided to text Ally, Jill, Normani, and Dinah about what just happened.

To: Ally, Normani, Dinah, Jill

From: Lauren

I asked Camila and she said she'll think about it

I waited awhile until they finally replied.

From: Normani

My otp is almost real!

From: Dinah

Well at least it's better than a no, she could still say yes!

From: Ally

Keep trying Lo Lo!😎👍

From: Jill

You better not steal her away from me LOL jk I'm rooting for Camren!👨💕😊

The rest of the plane ride I slept.

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