Project: Bringing Smiles

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Jill's P.O.V.

I woke up with Ally's arms protectively around me.

I could hear the water running in the bathroom so Camila must be taking a shower.

I poked Ally's face a few times, but she wouldn't wake up. So I decided to make the most annoying noises ever.


Ally woke up and screamed, "WHATS WRONG?! WHATS HAPPENING?!"

"Oh nothing I just wanted to wake you up and since poking your face didn't work, I screamed weird stuff"

"You scared the crap out of me! Next time just wait until I wake up"

"Ugh fine"

Camila came out of the bathroom, laughing.

"What are you laughing about?" Ally asked.

"Because I heard the whole thing...but I wish I would have seen your reaction" Camila said as she gave me a high five.

"Alright let's go find the others so that we can start Project: Help the Homeless" Ally said.

"You named it Project: Help the Homeless?" Camila asked.

"Yeah, why?" Ally replied.

"Lame! You should have named it Project: BRINGING SMILES" I say.

"Ok, babe. Project: Bringing Smiles it is!" Ally said to me.

After that, the rest of the girls met us in the lobby and we headed to Walmart to go get the supplies.

We split up so it would be quicker. Dinah, Normani, and I went to get bananas and apples. While Lauren, Camila, and Ally went to get water bottles.

Once we were done there we got back in our car and the driver took us to Central Park.

We filled our backpacks with the supplies and split up again.

This time it was Lauren and Normani, Camila and Dinah, & me and Ally. Everyone agreed that Ally should be with me since she's the oldest and most responsible.

We had 3 cameras so that each group could take pictures and videos of theirs experiences.

Lauren and Normani were going to go to the streets around Broadway. Camila and Dinah were going to go down the major shopping streets. Which left Ally and I to go to Times Square.

Lauren's P.O.V.

Normani and I were walking around the streets of Broadway and we saw a guy sitting on the ground with a sign that said "Homeless, anything helps"

We stopped and walked over to him.

"Hello sir, do you like apples or bananas better?" I asked.

"Bananas" he replied.

So Normani took two bananas and a water bottle out of her bag.

"Here you go" Normani said while handing it to him.

"Thank you both so much, god bless you!" he said.

We were about to walk away, but I remembered the camera.

"Sir, would you mind if we took a picture of all three of us together? My friend and I are part of a group that are going around giving this stuff to the homeless and we are going to be making a scrapbook afterwards" I asked.

"Nope, I don't mind at all! It's a great thing that you all are doing. My name is Gordon, by the way" he said.

"It's nice to meet you Gordon. I'm Lauren and this is Normani" I say.

I see a tourist walking by and stop them.

"Excuse me, but could you take our picture?" I ask the woman politely.

"Of course!" she replies so we take a few pictures with Gordon and go to find more people.

Dinah's P.O.V.

Camila and I were walking past Macy's when we saw a woman with only one arm sitting on the ground with a sign that said "Homeless, hungry, please help"

We stopped and walked over to her.

"Excuse me ma'am, do you like bananas or apples better?" Camila asks.

"I like both" she replies.

I took an apple, a banana, & a water bottle out of my back pack and gave them to her.

"Thank you so much" she said, giving us a smile.

"Do you think we could get a picture of all three of us? We are making a scrapbook from all our good deeds" I ask.

"Of course!" she replies.

"Oh and I'm Dinah. That's Camila" I say to her while Camila is asking a man to take our picture.

"My name is Paula" she replies.

We take a few pictures before moving on to help others.

Ally's P.O.V.

Jill and I were walking around Times Square when we noticed a woman and two children with a sign that said "homeless mother with a deaf son and a blind daughter"

Jill quickly made her way over to them with me right behind her.

"Hi there! What do you all like better bananas or apples?" Jill asks.

"I like both, my son likes bananas, and my daughter likes apples" the woman replied.

I gave the woman a banana and an apple and a water bottle to the woman. While I was doing that, Jill gave the boy two bananas and a water bottle & the girl two apples and a water bottle.

"Thank you so much, um I'm sorry I didn't catch your names" the woman said.

"Oh right, sorry that we didn't introduce ourselves sooner. I'm Jill and this is my mom, Ally" Jill replied and I nod in agreement while smiling.

"And who's idea was it to come out here and give out food &a water to homeless people?" she asked.

"It was Jill's" I reply.

"Well it looks like you've raised a great young lady, Ally. Oh and my name is Heather and these are my children Jacob and Mackenzie" she said.

"Cool! Would it be alright if we got a picture of all of us?" Jill asked.

"Yep, that's fine" Heather replied.

So we got our picture taken and went on our way.

Jill's P.O.V.

So after a long day, we went back to the hotel and slept. For the next two days, we would be giving out more food and water. Then we would start the care packages.

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