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Ally's P.O.V.
It was.......Austin!

"Austin?" Jill said quietly.

"What the heck are you doing here, lover boy?" Lauren said.

"I came to see how my girlfriend is doing, duh" he replied.

"Uh no, exgirlfriend" Troy said.

"Excuse me?" Austin asked.

"You are obviously not capable or mature enough to take care of my daughter" I say.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Austin said.

Just then everyone started arguing.

Jill's P.O.V.
Everyone was yelling and arguing, I had heard enough.


Everyone one instantly becomes silent and they all look at me.

"Austin, my family is right. You are not the right guy for me, just accept it. Please, just leave" I say.

Austin looks surprised and then mad.

"Well fine! I never loved you anyways!" he yelled as he walked out and slammed the door closed.

"This is the worst 18th birthday ever" I say as I sigh.

-------------a few hours later-----------
They released me from the hospital an hour ago and ever since then, I've been in my bedroom crying.

I know Austin is a good guy...but why did he say that he never loved me?

Was this all just another one of his publicity stunts? Did he just ask me out to get try to get to Camila? Is he really a jerk or just having a bad day?

A million questions were racing through my mind when suddenly there was a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say.

The door opens as Lauren and Camila come into the room. They both lay on each side of my bed and of course I'm in the middle.

"What's wrong, J?" Lauren asks.

"N-nothing" I say.

"Are you sad about the breakup baby girl?" Camila said.

"N-no I st-stubbed my t-toe" I stutter the first lie I could think of.

"Ok well dinner is ready, come down soon" Lauren said as the left the room.

I wonder what's going to happen in my life...will I actually find a nice guy to marry? Will the other girls get married? Will mom and dad have more kids?

I wonder what it'll be like...in 20 years.

Author's Note: So that's the end of this book!! I'm thinking about writing a sequel about their lives 15 or 20 years later so let me know if I should.

Also if you want to be in the sequel comment your name, age, what you look like, and your personality. I'm going to be adding new characters, thanks!

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