They're coming home?

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Christina's P.O.V.

I woke up early, because we had to get ready to go see Jill.

I got ready and woke my sisters up.

I checked my phone and saw that I had a message Selena and two from Camila.

I opened Camila's messages first...

Hey are you girls still coming over? ~Camila

Oh and did you get Selena's message?! ~Camila

I replied...

Yes we are coming and I'm reading the message now ~Christina

I opened Selena's message...

Hey guys! Mine and Harry's tours got cancelled do to the really bad storms that are soon to be happening worldwide. We are coming home today, but don't tell Jill. We want to surprise her. ~Selena

I knew Jill would go nuts when they arrived. I told all my sisters and they were excited to see Selena and Harry again.

Camila's P.O.V.

The other Fifth Harmony girls and the Cimorelli girls have been keeping Jill busy while I go pick up Selena and Harry from the airport.

I got to the airport and Selena called me to tell me that they are coming outside.

We put their luggage in the trunk and began to drive back to my house.

"So, how has Jill been? Has she been behaving herself?" Selena asked.

"Good and yes, she's a sweetheart" I reply.

"She doesn't have any boyfriends, right?" Harry asked.

Selena bursted out laughing while I smirked, "well there are those three boys that she is ALWAYS around..." I reply.

"Oh really?!" Harry says. You can tell he's really fuming.

"No! I'm joking, lighten up Harry! She's a great kid" I say and Selena nods in agreement.

We pull up to my house and Selena jumps out quickly. You can tell she is very excited to see her daughter. Harry gets out and has to run to try to catch up to Selena.

Jill's P.O.V.

Camila left awhile ago to go get something from the store. I'm just hanging out with the Cimorelli girls and the rest of Fifth Harmony.

I hear the front door open and I turn around to see who it is.

I see my mom and dad walk in the door so I run to them.

I hug my mom first and we both start crying.

"Mommy! I missed you so much!" I say.

"I missed you too, baby girl!" she replies.

I run to dad and leap into his arms.

"Daddy!!! I missed you!" I say.

"Aw babe, I missed you too!" he replies.

Mom comes over and picks me up and holds me on her hip.

Don't ask how she can still do that, because I have no clue.

She walks over to the couches were everyone is sitting.

"Selena! It's great to see you back, I know that Jill has really been missing you and Harry!" Christina says to mom.

"Oh really?" mom replies as she taps my nose.

"Did my baby miss me?" she asks.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the girls either video taping the moment or almost crying from the cuteness overload.

"Yes mommy, I missed you a whole bunch!!" I say while I hug her waist. (She still has me on her hip)

"Awwwwwwww!!!!" Normani and Dinah say as they have a fangirl moment.

"That was the most adorable thing that I have EVER seen!!" Amy says. They all nod in agreement.

"Momma! I'm not a baby, I don't need you to carry me" I whine, which only causes the other girls to listen even more intently.

"Would you rather walk?" she asks.

"Hmm good point, carry on" I say.

Behind us, I hear laughter.

"She's totally my kid" dad says between laughter.

He comes up to me and pinches my cheeks.

"Daddy..." I whine once again.

"Aw someone's getting cranky" Lauren J says.

I shoot her a death glare and she smirks.

"Babe, do you wanna go home now?" Mom asks.

"NO DONT LEAVE YET!" Dani yells.

"Why?" I ask.

"Well for one thing, you need to pack your stuff" Katherine says.

"Also, you have to give us all hugs before you leave" Lisa says.

"Oh! and we may have told a recording studio about you..." Camila says quietly.

"YOU WHAT?!" mom and dad yell at the same time.

"Um...we...uh...told a recording studio about her...and ummm also booked an appointment to meet with the music producer..." Lauren (Cimorelli) says quickly in a high pitch.

"Jill, why don't you go upstairs and pack your stuff? Your mom will be up to help you in a minute" dad asks.

"Uh yeah..." I say as mom puts me down.

I run upstairs and start to pack.

Harry's P.O.V.

After I made sure that Jill was in her room, I turned to the girls.

"Now explain to me exactly why you felt the need to consult a recording studio before asking us?" I ask.

They girls exchange looks before Dani speaks up.

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