[3]: Fuckery At Lunchtime

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Author's Note:
Just a song to listen to :3
"Shut up, I hate you."
- bethanywashere1


After what feels like fifty damn years later the bell rings and it's finally lunchtime. I grab all my things and hurry to the cafeteria, the only academic class I'll never be late to is lunch, that's a true fact about me. I run out of the classroom so fast Natalie couldn't even catch up to me, she grabbed her things and chased me down the hall, while carelessly running down the hallways I bump into a tall man statue. He's super gorgeous and has the face of a merman. Never seen him either, since when did we start getting hot guys in this school? The most I've seen was ugly weirded losers playing Pokémon thru the halls, but hey that's better than no boy so.

I look up at the tall human and begin to step away as he frowns at me. "What the fuck, you made my coffee spill, you owe me!" He walks over to me.

"I- I don't know you.." I respond sounding like a fish out of the water.

"You owe me still, that coffee was 5 bucks loser!" He crushes the cup into his enlarged hand and growls at me, I hope I don't get socked in the face and just bare things out.

"Riley! You run so freaking fast gosh, oh uh who's this?" She frowns asking.

"This is a guy that's about to pound my insides in for spilling his precious coffee." I wink at him and he blushes, ew gross a guy blushed because I winked my fat juicy eye at him.

"That's rude what the fuck, buy a new coffee jerk." Nat frowns at him and his blush drops, he turns pale and soggy like nasty bread. "My bad... I just needed that coffee."

"Err, yeah sure you did. But hey who cares right?" I pull a sneaky grin to my face and walk away with nat beside me, "Who was that guy back there?!" She asks bucking her eyes at me.

"Some guy duh," I reply ignoring her retro looks.

"Do you at least know him?"

"No, and I feel like I shouldn't." As we near the cafeteria the guy that wanted to punch my guts in shouts at us to wait for him. "Wait a sec!" He holds his hand out for us to stop, but me being ya know me... I don't stop I walk right into the café and don't look back, nat maybe a little ass kisser but I'm not kissing anyone's ass sooner or later.

"Nat come on, they're serving pizza sliders today... Your favorittee." I tease, "Holy schnitzels I love my pizza sliders, well nice not talking to you stranger." She waves him a friendly goodbye and we both leave him standing there alone with his thoughts, I only told her to come because let's face it I hate when nat gets a boyfriend. They always act so heartwarming when she's around but when she leaves me with them, they act like shit heads-- I have enough issues at my own home, I don't need theirs too.

We get our food and sit at the far end of the tables, there's always some kind of group at each table. The popular trolls, the nerds, the geeks, goths, stink people, sluts, jocks, cheerleaders, and then there's us. Nat and I are the only people to survive without going into any of their groups, legend has it if you join you can never go back, as we start eating our delicious food a strange girl sits at our table.

So I stop eating and look at her.

"Uhh, this table is occupied sorry.." I bite my lip and look at her clothes to observe what group she's supposed to be in, she's doesn't look familiar and I've never seen her before.

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