[19]: Sleepless Calls

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"I'm only half the bitch you want me to be."
- Unknown.


After Nat and I got home I trailed off to sleep, I didn't feel like explaining to her of why I gave him my number. Maybe I thought it was a good idea but didn't totally think it through? I showered and put pajamas on, brushing my teeth and combing my hair before going to bed. When all that stuff was done I laid down onto my bed and crept under the covers, shoving them under my chin to hide my body. Minutes later I fell asleep.

But I instantly got woken up by the ringing of my phone that Nat had gotten me. Who was it? And why were they calling me?! I peacefully opened my eyes, regaining vision, I looked at the time on the clock next to my bed. "It's one in the damn morning what the hell?" I say under my breath.

I get my phone from the dresser and look at whose calling. Ryan Jones is calling me at one in the morning, can this get any crappier? I held the phone in my hand and waited for him to stop calling, sadly he didn't stop. So I answered.

"Hello?" I say quietly.

"Yo is this Riley?!" He screams into the phone, I can feel my ear bleeding.

"If it's not will you hang up and leave her the hell alone?" I grit my teeth together to keep from swearing. "Oh, sup Riley didn't notice you without your alien voice." He smirks into the phone, boy if he didn't live so far away I'd kick his ass.

"Why the hell are you calling at one in the morning moron?!" I clench my jaw and ball my fists, life totally hates my guts. What did I do to deserve this?

"We need to discuss the project details loser." He sounds bored as he speaks, I mean I can't make this any more fun than he wants it to be. He's stuck with a low life loser and there's nothing he can do to change me. "You said you'd text.."

"Yeah, but I wanted to hear your horrible grinch voice." He giggles through the phone, I can just see his stupid smirk through my eyes. It's always lingering around, just go away. "No, I'd like to sleep thank you very fucking much."

"Woah language princess."

"I'm not your princess you ass hat." I scoff.

"Right I forgot, you're my misjudged whore." He smirks.

"Bye.." I couldn't continue one second with that call, I hung the phone up and slouched up in bed. My back ached from sitting up all the time, sleepless nights here we come, insomnia is here to stay. I roll my eyes when my phone starts to ring once more, why can't he just text me?! Is it that hard jeez!

Without any second thoughts, I grab my phone and answer, guess I should've looked at the caller ID. "What the fuck do you want, you spastic asshole?!" I chant through the phone.

"Riley woah there, what's wrong with you?!" A voice of another male asks.

I look at the caller ID and sweat falls from my face, oops... Definitely should've looked at it. "Oh uhhh... Skipper! I'm so sorry, someone kept calling me and they got on my nerves." I sigh into the phone and lie on my bed without hesitation, Jacob makes me feel sane at times. He's actually someone I'd recommend you date, despite when he skips school and barely does schoolwork, he's like the most chill person to talk to. "Ah it's alright, I feel your pain." He says calmly.

No, he doesn't understand my pain, what even is pain? I smile over the phone and put my head down. "So what're you calling for, at one in the morning?" I wait for a reply but don't get one. Seconds later he speaks.

"Just couldn't sleep, you're the only cool one to talk to. My bros and pals are childish when it comes to sleepless nights."

"Gotcha." I purse my lips together and wait for a conversation to start up.

"Well I do need advice, it's about a girl I like." He starts up. My eyes get wider with action, I know he likes someone. But who is it?! "Sure what's wrong?" I ask feeling understanding.

"So I like this girl, but I don't know if she'll like me back." He goes on. "And she's so understanding and great, I wish I could talk to her for real."

"Well does she talk to you?" I ask.

"Yeah, we talk all the time actually." He says without hesitation.

"Does she seem interested?"

"I hope so...but I don't know." He says unsure. If I liked a girl and she didn't like me back I'd feel shitless. "Well, why don't you just tell her how you feel?"

"What if she turns me down, and acts all dramatic about it?" He asks scoffing into the phone.

"That's your fault then buddy, besides you're like the cutest guy I know what can possibly go wrong?" I chuckle.

"You might turn me down, Uh wait. Did that come out right?! Shit. Uh I mean she might, not you. Sorry. I have to go.." With an instant, he hangs up the phone, with our conversation not taking the right course. I bite my lip and lay the phone down onto my bed.

Did he mean me? Or was he really talking about someone else?! Goddammit so many questions. Besides, why would he like a total joke like me? I'm full of shit, even I know that. I lie back down into my bed and stare up at the ceiling, how hard can it be to tell a 'mystery girl' how you feel? It's simple science, just go up to her and kiss her guts out. Well... that's how I'd want it, I know.

"Riley's not normal." Of course, I'm not normal. No one is. My night has been chanced, either I go to school tomorrow (technically today) with Ryan nagging me about a stupid project, or Jacob telling me his true feelings for whoever he has them for. I just hope it's not me, I mean he's cute and all but would he truly appreciate me for me? Right, a trick question. I go back to sleep and enter a dark world of dreams.

Author's Note:

A trick question indeed, assuming that he might like her but at the same time he might not, it's just so risky. Kind of a cliffhanger right? Well, how was that kinda short chapter? I hoped it wasn't too bad lmaoo😭, Vote, comment, and follow me for more updates hoes❤.

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- ☔Love, Rue☔

- ☔Love, Rue☔

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"I have anger issues, so what?"
- Riley Lee Walker.

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