[13]: Project No Way!!

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"Nutella is the best source to my problems."
- Rue Canders


I go into my history class and exhale a huge breath that I didn't know I was holding, I look up at the clock and frown. "30 minutes of moter mouth, grrreat." I say with no enthusiasm. As I tap my fingers on my desk and ignore life around me I feel a small tap on my shoulder, I turn the other way to see nat standing next to my desk smiling. "Heyy girly!" She says.

"Hey weirdo." I poke her cheek and smirk. "Why'd you write that in Mrs. Beetles class? She went bat shit crazy!" Nat says while laughing at the situation, I also thought it was hilarious. "Uhm because she knows I suck at math and still decided to punish me, so I punished her." I giggle with nat, when the bell rings all the students come in and class starts. "Alright class let's get started on our conversation about politics." Politics? This isn't a fucking campaign for Donald Trump, I want a refund! Oh right I'm in school. Shoot. The entire class groans at such pathetic words Mr. Twine gives us, I groaned too because who wants to learn about how the president shouldn't be in office?

I wish a huge gummy bear could be our president, he would totally end all world hunger. My tummy growls at the thought of a big gummy bear being our president, I bite my lip and look at the clock. Dammit 26 more minutes to listen to moter mouth. Class went by quickly, all I did was fake to answer a couple of questions and nod my head like I was listening. But in my real time all I did was doodle little spongebobs into my journal, doodlebob was a great character. We will miss you. I sit up in my desk patiently as I wait for Mr. MoterMouth to "dismiss" class, he did just that and soon we were on our way. I decided to bring up the party this weekend that I desperately wanted to nat. "So nat? About that party?!" I stammer next to her and smile.

"No! I can't riles! I just can't my mom and dad will kill me." She shushes me with her hand and whispers, why is she whispering? As we get to language arts I look at her with a bored face. "Nat we need this party to happen, who else is going to remember me by riles the partying monster?" I ask her, that's my partying name. I was going to go for 'riles the sociopathic gangster' but that's way off the top. "Uhm no one calls you that?" She frowns.

"I want them to start calling me that, you dried up booger!" I poke her on the arm as we get into class, it kinda brushes past my mind that ryan has this class with us. When he enters the classroom he sits right in front of me, I cringe so hard my lungs won't let me breathe. "What the fuck?" I whisper to nat who is sitting next to me. And it totally crushes my mind that me and ryan hate each other with a passion, it's like a sport to hate someone's guts for this long. Yet so tiring. I eye the back of his gorgeous head and start to poke it, nat stops me. "No!" She whisper shouts. "Awe come on live a little will ya?" I ask smirking at her.

"I think I lived enough by becoming your friend." She says with a soft but bored face. "Ouch,noted." I stop trying to poke ryan and get ready for class, Mrs. Mills came into the classroom with huge slabs of paper in her hands, it was like she was making a chart or some weird shit. All the students stopped talking and paid attention. "Okay class, I will be assigning you each to a partner. You are going to be doing a project about the book you're currently reading, I will choose who you will work with since some people don't like to behave." Mrs. Mills eyes me at the back of the class and everyone's eyes fall on me, even ryan's. Oh turn around you delinquent boob! I give him a turned up lip and he turns back around. Mrs. Mills continues. "You will be assigned to do a picture presentation about the book, it has to be fun and ethusiatic. I do not want to see boring written work or it's an automatic Zero, do you understand?"

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