[11]: Breakfast With Nat

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"I'm allergic to bullshit *achoo*"
- bethanywashere1


One week later and it's time for me to go back to school, I really don't want to be there I don't see how this is benefiting me and keep me from beating anyone's ass again. I'll be undercover and not act like a complete pyshco, but I won't give it my best. All I could really think about was my dirty decision to get back at ryan for being such a dick to my best friend, I wanted to make his life a living hell. But let's face it hell isn't really livable, this is coming from a girl who's been living shitty all her life so yes I know what that feels like. Ryan dickwad probably doesn't, he's probably living his life in riches and drinking champagne with his mommy.

I'm sitting on my bed, adrenaline pumping into every different part of my body, my fists clenched making my knuckles white, my hair looks like a bird's nest magically sat on top, my face looks still somewhat beautified. In times like these you go complete dimwitted that things start to happen to you, I believe I hit puberty a long time ago. But what was this? I got up quickly, ran to the bathroom, and looked inside the mirror. "Woah." I say to myself.

I look like I've been doing hardcore drugs, my heart is beating super fast and my legs keep shaking. Shame my knees. I look down at the floor and notice nothing's wrong, I shrug my shoulders and go back to the bed. I didn't feel the need to get dressed really early, nat does that, not me. When I go to lay back down I hear a knock followed by a rushing nat coming in.

"Riley get up!? We're going to be late, get dressed!" She says pulling the covers away from my body and trying to push me out of bed. "No! Ughhh nooo! I don't want to go to school, I hate seeing those stupid kids with their unfortunate smells." I say whining and slouching myself onto the floor, yes I may act like a big baby but I feel like I should be in order to skip a day of school. "Get up! You're going!!" She drags my hands, picks out a cute outfit, tries putting it on me. I stop her because there's no way I'm letting my only best friend see my disgusting body, I think she might run away and kick me out of her house probably like forever.

"Uhh nat no thanks but, I think I can do this myself." I push her out of the bathroom and shower. I get out, dry off, put on my clothes and comb my hair. Why bother with makeup when you clearly have no idea on how to use it? I shrugged my shoulders and brushed my teeth, I walk out of the bathroom and nat is smiling at me. "What?" I ask. "Let me do your makeup." She says and pushes me back to the bathroom and sits me down onto the toilet, "No! I hate makeup stop!" But it all comes back to me that I have to look my best in order to annoy the shit out of stalker boy. "Hmhm okay, make me look worth looking at!!" I point my finger up to protest, nat nods in agreement.

When she gets done I look into the mirror. "Awh man I look like someone's mom!" I state pouting. "Ugh! Riley that's rude! I think you look lovely." Nat says while scoffing at me, we get on our shoes and rush downstairs to grab something to eat on the way to our miserable life in school. When doing so I notice that it's only 5 in the morning. "Nat?" I say her name through clenched teeth, I stare at her with rage. What the actual fuck!?! It's only 5, yet she has the audacity to wake me up so early I almost die?

You actually were up remember? My brain asks me.

Oh shut up not now brain, you aren't even supposed to be up yet! Go back to fucking sleep! She turns around to me and is smiling. "Yesss?" She asks sheepishly. "Why did you wake me up at 5 in the goddamn morning?" Still using clenched teeth I walk up to her with my fists up.

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