[26]: Homeless Driely

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"Ruth, you are hot."
- Yanni, Sini, Nea, & Major🖤


"Crap!" I look over at my stuff that's scattered all over the floor, I knew I should've bought a new back pack when I had power over Nat.

Too late, she hates my guts now.

After walking out of school I sat at the curb, I need a ride and my best bet is to call Blake for help. The only person I know that might actually help me. I take my phone out my pocket and dial his number.

"Please pick up you scum." I tell myself.

"Hello?" By the third ring he answers, probably wondering why I'm calling.

"Hey Blake, it's Riles.." I trail off, "I need a ride?"

"Oh, what about Na- nevermind. I'll be there." He hangs up and I sit there waiting. I stuff all of my things back into the broken back pack.

While sitting there I hear faint footsteps coming from behind me, I get up and smile thinking it's Blake ready to pick me up. Only to find out it's a half demented Ryan standing there, staring at me.

Why would Blake stand behind you anyway, idiot?! My brain scolds me for being slow.

My smile drops and I scoff under my breath. "Stalker Boy."

"Oh hey, Driely I didn't notice a suffering loser sitting there." An ice pack in his hand, holding it up to his face, he throws his frozen guilt at me.

"What the hell are you still doing here, probably still being the stalking asshole I always knew you were." I fold my arms over my chest and taunt. He just stands there rolling his eyes. "I'm waiting here because someone decided to punch me directly in the face!" He shouts.

"Why do I care? Wait I don't."

"I'm waiting on my mom, thank you very much."

"So? That won't stop a demon person like you."

"At least I'm not strande-" Ryan stops mid-sentence to look at Blake driving up in a white Jeep. "You ready Riles?" He smiles, showing one dimple.

"Yess, thank you!" I grab my stuff and throw it in the front seat with me.

Ryan's face moulted into a disgusted scowl, his face is my dream come true. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Giving Riley a ride home, problem?" Blake's face turns from happy to "God I hate this kid and his half perfect ass life."

"Yes, no friend of mine is giving a sorry loser a fucking ride home." He scolds.

"Well tell that to someone who cares." And with his utter remark he drives away, leaving Ryan there in his spot of despair.

I would've did way better in my opinion, one more punch would have corrupted Ryan's mind enough to make him stop his crap.

"Thanks." Silence fills the car as I start to speak.

"Don't mention it."

"Is he always an asshole?" I take a minute to process my nerves, Ryan only wants what's best for him. Not for anyone else.

"Well yes, he is. But he is for a reason." Wait, I can't process this, Ryan Jones has an issue? That's harder for me to even believe once I've heard it.

"What happened?" I have the urge to know all Ryan's secrets, just one glimpse of it will send me to a space up in heaven. Dirt on Ryan is like stealing from a candy store, yet the dirt is way sweeter.

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