[20]: Feelings?

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"Goodbye Yoda❤."
- -alexandrah-


Mondays. The worst weekday of all time, they say that mondays are cursed with some sort of bad luck. I sit up in bed and stare at the mirror that sits on top of my dresser, my face looks red, my hair is horrible, my body looks pale with no color. I pull the covers away from my body and get ready for school, I desperately don't want to be there. Or at those stupid classes, what's the point of going to them anyway? I feel like I'm trapped in a bubble.

I get dressed and do the regular things to get ready, I go down the stairs and quietly sit down on the couch. I haven't got much time to make breakfast so I skip it, I don't see nat anywhere around. She's usually the one to be up and running, I guess she wants me to take her place in line. I'd be willing to if that was true. For her sake it isn't.

"Nat?" I say in a quiet voice. She doesn't answer.

I get up and walk around the enclosed house, I feel a swarm of regret hit me in the gut as my phone starts to buzz. It's a text message from Jacob.

Skool Skipper: Hey riles.. sorry about hanging up on you last night.

Me: Oh. It's alright, I was tired anyway. See you at school?

Skool Skipper: Sure. Cya 🐢.

A turtle? Why not a heart or some food?! I set my phone down onto the couch and look around, no nat to be found. I decide to get up and look for her, I go up to her room to look. I see her body under the covers, her head covered with pillows. It was never like nat to be late for school, shucks she never missed one day of it. "Natt!!? You're going to be late for school, what's wrong with you?" I pull the pillows away from her and she starts to groan.

"Noo.. just let me miss one day of schoool..." She hisses.

"Okay." Is I all say before giving up and rushing to her car, I do know how to drive. But my parents were such useless beings that they never once bought me a car, I have a license that's probably expired by now, I could've been driving all this time. I get into her car and press my sweaty hands against the steering wheel, let's just hope I don't crash into anyone I hate.

I start up the car and drive off, leaving my unhealthy thoughts behind. Soon I get to the school, I don't want to look at anyone I hate. I can't stand to keep my feelings away I just want to punch all their faces off. I get into school and barely make it to first period, all the kids are doing different things. It makes me want to run away and never come back, the nerve in my mind is making things harder to ignore, my breath starts to shorten, I can feel my heart racing.

I rush to the girl's bathroom to save myself from an over lapse, as I'm making my way I run into Blake. My mind doesn't stop and want to say hi, it wants to be alone and think of all the things I should do to ryan if I ever see him again. "Hey riley!" Blake says while waving at me. I run past him and smile, I don't say a word. I go into the bathroom and close the stall behind me, why am I feeling like this?! Maybe it's because nat isn't here with me and I feel vulnerable.

Well stop!! You're putting yourself at risk of developing a reason for guys to communicate with you!" My brain shouts at me. I come out of the stall and wash my face, I'll be okay if I don't see ryan. Whenever I see a person I hate, regardless of why I hate them, I always have to fight this incredible urge to punch him or her in the face. And ignoring how they stare at me doesn't work, so don't mention it!! I leave the bathroom and walk to my first class. Mrs. Beetle will be a delight to get kicked out of today, I wonder if she's eaten any toffee.

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