7th chapter

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I pulled my pink sweater closer to my body and embraced my chest. There was a cloud of steam coming from my mouth, mixed with cigarette smoke. I almost couldn't feel my freezing fingers anymore, and yet I didn't give up my bad habit and stayed on the rooftop terrace looking at the roofs of other house.

I didn't know how much time I had left and I was afraid of what was coming.I didn't have an adequate excuse for what I did, I self-saved myself, I left my old life and cowardly hid. I should've fight to stand up against the decision of the greedy mans of management. They didn't care about me and definitely not about my feelings and opinions, all they wanted was money and they would do literally anything for it. Changed my personality and made-up they own person, a perfect girl everyone would look up to and love. And it worked, of course it worked. They have been doing this for years and years. When I appeared for the first time in public, people were crazy and we were drunk with the glory we had longed for. Our desires and dreams have come to us. Previously, we were only three of the best friends for whom the singing was fun. Originally we were supposed to be a band. A group of three best friends who were doing what they love the most.  But times have changed, they have changed us. They made me a singer teens loved and even though we basically still were a band, no one really knew about my friends playing in the background. I didn't know what was going on with Angela and Riley. From the day I ran away, I didn't contact them, just like my parents, I wasn't going to risk anything. It was a mistake? Maybe yes, hard to say, difficult to judge.

"Hey." A voice woke me up from my thoughts. I didn't turn to him, silently staring at the sunrise.
" Hello. "I mumbled absently, my back resting against the railing. "Are you mad at us?" I turned my head to look at him, "Should I be?" I lifted my eyebrows and looked away from him. "I would." I sighed, tossing the cigarette "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself. I knew something like that would happen. It's my fault, I shouldn't have gone with you anywhere."

"It's just an article, it doesn't mean anything! It doesn't matter! You're not going to stop hanging out with us, right? "He shook his head."It's just an article for you, but not for me. I don't want any attention, I don't want people to turn around behind me, pointing at me and whispering. I'm not ready for threatening remarks from your fans." I sighed. He won't understand, he is not in my situation.

"Who cares what other people think? We know the truth and that's all that matters" He said, "Let it be Cameron, please." I reached out for another cigarette, oh stress.

"I can't force you into anything." He whispered "We've only known you for a while, but you're amazing and you may not believe it, but the twins won't stop talking about you. We are all busy with our lives and they don't have many friends. Celebrity life isn't all fun. They don't know who they can trust, because even if they end up becoming friends with someone they either use them or fuck them over. But I trust you, just like they do. Don't give up on us please."

"It.. No.. I can't. I really can't. It is... It will be better if I stay away from you." I lowered my head and left Cameron there, I didn't want to hear what he had to say. It was hard. And I didn't want to say a goodbye or any shit like that, goodbyes suck.

I needed distraction, the thoughts of the future had made me mad, and the loneliness overcame my. That's why I went to the mall shortly before noon and wanted to improve my mood in my favorite boutique. Unfortunately, even with five bags of stuffed luxury clothing, costing up to three thousand dollars, I still felt miserable. Finally, I went to a small dark cafe. I chose a round table with two chairs as far away from the entrance and ordered a white?hot chocolate with the flavor of coconut. I felt lost, abandoned and it was just my fault. I hate feeling lonely. I missed Riley and Angela, I tried to find some information on the internet about what was happening, apparently they somehow managed to make a band after I left, but the people in the management were hiding what they could, and they were good at that, that's for sure.

My thoughts were interrupted by a coughing. ai lifted my head from the hot chocolate mug and stared into his eyes. "Grayson?" I blinked in surprise, looking around me, looking for crowds of crazy fans. I think I'm getting paranoid. "Are you looking for someone?" He lifted his eyebrows and pulled off his beanie to mess with his hair and then he puts it back on. I just shook my head, there was peace everywhere, the cafe sank in a pleasant silence. "What are you doing here?" I frowned.

"I could ask you the same thing." He replied with a grin on his face. "And since I am well-educated, I would answer that I'm sitting and drinking hot chocolate." He rolled his eyes and stripped off his coat. "Sometimes I come here, it's peaceful here." He shrugged and leaned against the back of the chair. "If you have any explanation, do you mind telling me what you and Ethan were doing in my bed?"Grayson laughed briefly "We were sleeping there before you woke us up and threatened us"

"Why in my bed though?!"

"How am I supposed to know? I was drunk. Ask, Ethan. Oh, wait.. You aren't talking to him. Nevermind then." He waved his hand and reached for my cup, which he then consumed without my permission. "Hey!" I pouted. "Dumbass!"

"And how did you figure out I'm not talking to him?." I added. "He told us." Grayson clarified. "And Cameron also said you were going to stop talking to us." I sighed. "I don't belong to your world, Grayson." He was about to say something but I cut him off. "...and I don't want to belong... You chose this, you chose the life you live in, you wanted this, I don't want it." 'I don't want this life anymore, not anymore.' I thought. "But I want you in our lives." I turned my head to see Ethan.

"I'm really thinking about moving away guys." I said, and met the desperate glance of the twins.

They started arguing about why I shouldn't move and how the article doesn't mean anything. Ethan even said he'd officially announce that we aren't a thing.

But it wasn't just about that. Yeah, it sucked that everyone was talking about something that wasn't true but I honestly could care less. It's the fact that if I would be seen often with them my management would find me. People would eventually put two and two together. And there is no way I'm going back to my old life. No. Way. I'm risking this.

What should I do? Really move and run away from them, run away from this life. The truth would come out in the end and until then it would haunt me.

I knew I would regret my decision. I just hoped it wouldn't be so soon.

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