19th chapter

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"You can't force me to eat all of this." I said desperately, looking at the chocolate dessert in front of me. "I can't, but the dessert will make you do it yourself, can't you see the way he looks at you sadly and calls: eat me, eat me?You can't reject him." He shook his head and gave me a smile showing his theet that I loved the most about him. "Fifty fifty." I negotiated, and not waiting for the answer, I cut the dessert in half. With a sigh, he accepted my offer and helped me eat the dessert.

After Grayson paid, we went to the cold, dark streets, and we didn't mind the fact that it was raining like crazy.

Rain drops settled on my lashes, thanks god for waterproof mascaras. Despite all the unpleasant circumstances, I felt incredibly happy. Grayson was walking beside me, his hands in the pockets of his bright jeans, his gaze dropped to the ground. As if he felt I was watching him, he lifted his head and gave me a crooked smile that I immediately returner. He paused and so did I, my smile turned into a confused expression.

"They were for you." He whispered. "What?" I blinked confusedly and hugged my chest. He didn't hesitate and wrapped his jacket around me carefully. "The poems I wrote... I know you know about them... They were for you."

It made sense. From the first day I met Ethan to everything we all have been through. It all made sense.

He was always watching me, but had to keep a distance, because he didn't want to ruin his relationship with Ethan. Ethan saw me first.

How could I be so stupid and blind?

Everything began to fit in like puzzle pieces, and only the last part was missing.

As if he knew what was going on with my head, he patiently waited for me to put everything together and say something. There was an expression full of expectation in his face. I didn't think twice, I didn't hesitate, did not care about the consequences of my act, I just did it and put the last part of the puzzle in its place...

When I asked my mom how will I know that I found love, she did not answer me. I asked again, but only the silence and her warm smile was once again her only answer.

"You will feel it, it feels different, you will know.. Trust me, honey." She finally answered. And oh boy, was she right.

I felt it.

He smiled slightly, his arms wrapped around my waist. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "Why?" He asked, clearly confused. "It took me so long." He raised his hand and gently stroked my face. "I'd wait for you for the rest of my life." He replied. He hesitated, yet hungrily kissed me, as if he had only a few seconds of his life left. They were not just butterflies in my belly that told me that I had become a victim of love. No, this was a lot more. Every cell of my body felt it and welcomed the feeling with open arms. I didn't want to be all alone anymore, I needed this like never before.

I was really cold, all my clothes were soaked and my feet could barely carry me, but I didn't care. I held Grayson's hand firmly. "We're almost home." He said as he searched in the pocket of her jeans for the keys.

We slipped quietly into my apartment, which seemed empty. All the lights were turned off, and the only thing I heard was the sound of the fridge. "I'm going to take a quick shower, I'll be right back." Grayson whispered kissing my forehead and headed to his apartment while I went to my bedroom. On the way to the bathroom, I squeezed out of my own water-soaked clothes, cleaning it up when I was showering. I quickly pulled over my head a T-shirt with the Batman logo and started collecting things lying on the floor. When I saw the paper of the last record of the band, I stopped and frowned uncertainly. I was sure that all the papers that the girls sent me were put in a memory box. I probably forgot about this. I reached under the bed, slipped the sheet of paper into the box, and went back to collect the clothes I threw to the laundry basket.

"The boys are asleep." Grayson said as he sat down on the edge of the bed. I nodded and turned off the light in the bathroom I was just coming out of. "I'm so tired." I said and fell on my bed. Grayson pushed the duvet over me and pulled me into his arms. "Will we tell the boys?" I hesitated. "No, they'll find out on their own." He whispered and soon fell asleep.

Maybe sometimes it wasn't so bad to depend on someone with happiness, or was it?

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