15th chapter

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Nothing has changed, everything was exactly the way I remembered it. Carefully cut lawn, bush with flowers and the absolutely terrible, gypsy flamingo, stuck in the ground. That was my home. The place where I was born and grew up, where I learned how to ride a bike, where I met my best friends and where I first fell in love. The black Mercedes in the driveway, announced that dad had not yet gone to work, and the scent of just baked cake told me that my parents were eating. Where I grew up, neighbors knew each other well and had friendly relations between them, unfortunately in my current situation no one should recognize me. Without moving, I sat in my car for ten minutes, looking absently at our front door. "I'm scared." I looked at Grayson. He smiled encouragingly. "Don't worry, you're all good and I'm here with you." I nodded, put on my sunglasses and pulled my hood over my head. Only in white socks I slipped out of the car and gently walked to the porch. Before I rang the bell, I made sure Grayson was following me. He locked the car, just like me, he put on his dark sunglasses and followed me.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" A smiling middle-aged woman opened the door. She had the same light brown hair as I did, but her eyes reminded me rather of Grayson's, they were just as deep and sincere, full of sorrow. "Hi Mom." With one movement, I lowered my hood and waited for her reaction. She gasped and tears blurted her eyes. Without hesitation, she pulled me into her arms and dragged me into the house.

"David!" She screamed without letting me go. "What is it Leah?! Do you know how you scared me, I almost spilled m-" My father stopped in the middle of the step and stared at us in horror. The morning coffee mug, without which he could not go to work, slipped out of his hand and shattered on the wooden floor. "Not possible." He shook his head and hurried to me. He hugged me and my mom together, and he didn't even try to hold jis tears. I was back home and felt truly happy, all thanks to Grayson. He stood nearby grinning, trying to avoid disturbing us. I owed him so much.

"Really, daddy, I'm not kidding!" I laughed as I was telling my parents story about how I met the twins and what happened to my living room. "It's true, Mr. Faryn my friends can be crazy sometimes," nodded Grayson with a smile, and enthusiastically bit into a strawberry cake my mother had served us. We had been sitting in the kitchen for over an hour, and I hadn't closed my mouth, I had to tell my parents everything I've been through for the past 2 years. Yes, we did call, but I never really said much.

"I can't believe Angela and Riley have said that." My mom shook her head. "I deserved it, I ran away and left them." I shrugged. "You didn't have a choice." Grayson repeated for the hundred time, and my dad nodded in agreement. "He is right, they can't just use you like that," my dad agreed.

"But that's the thing, they can, I signed the contract." I sighed and drank the coffee that my mother had put in front of me. "I don't know what to do now, I can't hide forever." I mumbled.
"Just wait until your contract is over." my mom smiled, "for another fourteen months." I whispere.

"Okay, we can do that, we'll wait and then m you can tell the truth . How they used you, how they wanted to destroy the band and everything else. Fans will support you." Grayson said. I nodded and bit into the cake, when the bell rang, I was surprised and almost choked. "Who could it be so early?" My mom frowned "Jasmin!" I lifted my head and met the look of my childhood best friend Jake. "My God!"


What I felt when I saw Jasmin in the arms of that eighteen-year-old boy is hard to describe. She pressed to him as if she was afraid he might disappear, and he laughed enthusiastically, his eyes filled with tears of happiness. The way he looked at her, hugging her and gently stroking her back was devastating. For a moment he pulled her away and, without the slightest hesitation, kissed her right on her lips! No, it was not a real kiss, but he did it! It took everything in me to not do anything. "When did you come back, why are you in pajamas and where is your tattoo?" He filled her with a bunch of questions she immediately began to answer, while he still hugged her around her waist, staring into her eyes. I needed fresh air, clear my head and figure out a plan to get rid of that unwanted child. I slipped unnoticed and sat down on the lowest stairs of the porch. As if I didn't have enough of it, another problem appeared right around the corner. My brother.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled as he parked in front of Jasmin's house. This will not be a pleasant conversation.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" He came to me as he slammed the door of his car. "Wait, Eth, I'll explain to you, but first you should listen to something more important." He grimaced. "When was the first time?" He asked. I gave him confused look. "You know, in the mall." He said with a friendly tone, but in a moment he realized he was actually upset and frowned again. "We have a deal Grayson, and you broke it! Fuck bro, I don't want to fight over a girl!" He growled. "But I will not give her up, because she's mine!"

"No, you're talking like an asshole, and we have something more important here that immediately demands our attention because ..." "Who the hell is that? Why is he touching Jasmin ?!" Ethan gasped. I turned in the direction he was looking at and saw that guy again or maybe still, hugging Jasmin and whispering something to her. "If you are looking for a competitor, then you have it! And if we want to keep Jasmin in our lives, we should get rid of him first!" I shouted irritably. "Wow, it sounded as if you wanted to kill him and burrow in the garden." Ethan chuckled. "Actually, I would love to." I nodded and looked at the kitchen window for the last time. Jasmin and that guy weren't there anymore.

Jasmin's childhood best friend as my lil bean Connor

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