17th chapter

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Everything was there. A copy of my contract with the management, a still unsigned deal of my fake relationship with famous basketball player, who had to clear his reputation and make me more visible, a contract for the last record that could not be released due to my escape and lots of others. In a stack of papers I discovered new contracts, just weeks old. It seemed as if my disappearance did not prevent anyone from continuing with the plans for the next few months. Concerts, interviews, charity events. All of this was thoroughly detailed and marked with dates when and where it is. My attention was attracted by the red marked paragraph in our band's contract with the management. It was tucked down to the bottom, written in smaller letters and italics.

"Mangmant reserves the right to extend the contract without the consent of the other party for another three years if the band is successful and its earnings will increase by at least 10% a year."

Does that mean I was owned by the people I hated for another three years?!  There was no escape. Even after the expiration of the contract, it will still apply that I broke it and awaiting me a court and a blatant fine, management will destroy me for all this.

In my head there was another thought at that moment, who sent all these things to me? I lifted my head and looked into the envelope, several more papers in it, including a photo of me and Grayson at Starbucks. With a shaking hand I turned the picture.

We hope you are happy, XOXO

I recognized the handwriting, and for a moment a spark of hope flared up in me, which made a fire literally. On the next, carefully folded paper, there were several words that have changed everything.

When we found you, they can do it too, be careful, we miss you and love you forever.

They weren't mad, they understood me. They have been trying to protect me all this time. Just like a few weeks ago, they also realized that we were thrown by our own stupidity into a vicious circle from which there was no way out.

"Jasmin?" There was a voice behind my door. "Come in." I replied. "What is that?" He frowned at the piles of papers lying on my bed and the ground. "This is my life." I fell silent and smiled sadly. He knelt down and reached for the first paper. He glanced at it and reached out for the next, collecting the whole stack. He paused at our photo. "Who sent you this?" He said with a horrified look. "My girls.. they are.. they are trying to protect me, tell me what's happening to them. Have you seen the latest contracts? They were closed after my disappearance. Why would they do that if they were not sure I'd come back?"

"I have no clue." He shook his head. "They know me better than I know myself... they know I can't do this... not for long." He put the papers on the bedside table and turned to face me. "What are you talkin ahout?" He raised his eyebrows. "They know I can't just go away, leave the girls and leave them in it." I shrugged.
"I hope you aren't thinking about going back?!"

"What do you think I'm supposed to do, Grayson!? Leave my best friends in that mess?! Would you do that to Ethan!?" He sighed and shook his head. "That's what I thought... I was hoping that if I disappeared, the contract would fall., without me and without the band there is no money, which is the only thing that they care about. However, that didn't happen and I don't know what to do now." I mumbled. "I do not know what we're going to do," he started "yes WE" he nodded as he noticed my confused look. ",but I know one thing, the girls are right, we really do look good together." He grinned, the gaze fixed on our shared picture. Though I felt miserable, Grayson never failed to make me laugh.

This was what he could do, with no one else I felt so happy and safe. With him all my problems suddenly didn't seem so bad. "Thank you." He looked into my eyes. "For what?" I smiled. "For you." I shrugged and hugged him. He pulled me into his arms and I slowly began to realize that without Grayson I would probably be dead already. Literally... and also, I can't imagine my future without him in it.

"What are you two doing here?" Ethan stormed into my room without bothering to knock on the door. I quickly pulled away from Graysn and threw myself on the pile of papers I hid under the pillow. I admit, a very inconspicuous gesture, but I just couldn't let him see them. "What is it?" Ethan frowned. "What is what?" I raised my eyebrows. "Are you hiding something from us?" He looked suspiciously. "Even if she was, that's none of your business." Grayson rolled his eyes. "I don't like secrets." He said as he turned around and left the room. Something told me that he won't let it go.

"Idiot." Grayson whispered. I gave him a smile of encouragement and pulled the stack of papers from under the pillow and slipped it under my bed. I pulled out my memory box and hide the contracts.

"Since Cameron is cooking we should go out for a dinner." He grinned after I put the box back under the bed and stayed on the floor facing him. "It sounds a bit like a date?!" I said with a provocative smirk. "Just a bit? It sounds like a date."

"Are you serious?" I made sure it was not just a stupid joke. "Of course." He nodded. "But I admit it sounds a little odd, so I'll try again." He smiled, grabbed my arm, and pulled me to my feet. "I'd love for you to go out with me." He was still holding my hand and I was literally drowning in his deep eyes as he smiled at me. "On a date." He added, waiting for my reply. "I'd love for me to go out with you on a date too, Dolan." I agreed and laughed.

Celebrity On The Run | Dolan Twins ✔️Where stories live. Discover now