11th chapter

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"Do you not remember our deal anymore?." Ethan reminded me. "I need her." I said without looking at him. He raised his eyebrows. "What do you want from me? I didn't see her first, I understand, I'm going out of the way, but I say to you that you are an idiot, we all are gonna loose a goodfriend just because someone wants to enjoy it." I growled. "First of all, I doubt you see her as a friend, and secondly, if I just wanted to sleep with her, I've had her in a bed long ago!" I raised my eyebrows. "What do you want to say by that? That YOU fell in love with her?" I grinned. In his case it was unlikely. He was still unprepared and unable to maintain a relationship. "Yes!" Against my will I had to ironically laugh. "Yeah, sure." I nodded my head and threw an angry look at him. "At least don't lie to ME, your own brother, Ethan." He tensed and clenched his fists. "You know what, whatever, I'm not gonna argue with you over a girl, just stay away from her!" He swung, stood up, and headed for the door of the apartment, with which, of course, he had not forgotten to shut dramatically.

"Jasmin?" I knocked at the door of her room. "What are you doing there for so long, do not you need anything? Hey.. are you, like.. mad at us?" Unfortunately, I didn't hear answers to my questons. I shook my head and went into her perfectly arranged bedroom. "Are you here?" I tried it again and looked into the dressing room, overflowing with clothes. "Jas?" I raised my voice. The last place she could have been was a bathroom, which I was knocking at the door obnoxiously. "Open Jasmin! This is not funny!" I shouted at the edge of my nervous breakdown. "Go away." I heard her weak voice, something was wrong, or even better, something was too bad. "Just forget it, open the door immediately, or I swear I'll get in some way, and then you'll be able to add a door to the list of things that we destroyed!" I threatened. But I didn't get the answers. "Shit, shit!" I furiously tried to figure out how to get inside. I didn't find a better way to use the hours spent in the gym than this. The door went off, it worked! At that moment, I was proud of myself, but it fell out of me as soon as my eyes laid on Jasmin.

I had a first aid course and stuff like this, but when it comes to it, all the knowledge is useless to you. "Are you crazy, what did you do ?!" I fell on my knees next to her, lying on the rusted carpet in front of the tub. The pills told me everything I needed to know but it was useless to me. "Think Grayson, think!" I pulled her body in my arms and tried to make up my mind on what to do. And then I thought. I saw it in one movie and yes, maybe it was a shame to rely on a silly, romantic comedy, but what should I do?! Let her die there?!

Those pills had to come out, instantly, and how to force a half-dead person to vomit? By the speed of lightning, I rushed into Ethan's bathroom and began to rummage in the cabinet under the sink. He had everything, pain pills, drops for the nose... aand what I was looking for. In a hangover, it is sometimes necessary to get rid of what you have in your stomach, what makes you a walking zombie. Just a few drops, just a few minutes of hanging over the toilet and getting it out.

"Once you wake up, I swear I'm gonna kill you!" I squeaked and poured more of the humus into Jasmine, just to be sure. The result came almost instantly, thank God. In a matter of seconds she was fully conscious, she threw a glance at me and headed straight to the toilet. Have you ever held your drunken girlfriend's hair when she vomited? I didn't. It was the perfect time to try it out, except for the detail that Jasmin was not my girlfriend and she could never be.

"Will you explain what the hell did you do?!" I struck her as she recovered a little. She shook her head in disbelief and opened one eye. "Please do not tell anyone." She whispered, her head on my chest. It was a soothing feeling to know that it was all right, and even better, I had the opportunity to save her. "What am I not supposed to say to everyone?! That you have suicidal thoughts?!"

"It's not like that." She murmured. "So how is it? Please explain it to me because I don't understand wht is going on and it scares me, because you could die!" I yelled. "That was the intention." She whispered almost silently. "Jas, explain what's going on or I'll tell the guys." I threatened. "This is blackmailing." She cried without stopping holding my hand firmly. "I call it an exchange business. Something for something." She sighed, she didn't want to explain it, but she had no choice. "Come." She finally said, and began to get up. I got up and lightly pulled her to her feet. She smiled briefly, and without letting go of my hand, she led me to her bedroom. We stopped at her bed, slipping slightly under it she pulled out a large, paper box with the word 'MEMORIES'.

She handed it to me and sat down on her bed where she curled up and stared at me. I sat across from her and opened the box.

It was full of photos, magazines, and newspaper clippings. Some photos are framed, others are in albums. I also found a few prizes. I was utterly confused and vain to find a connection between Jasmin's suicide attempt and the things she had just shown me. "I don't get it." I shook my head. She sighed and gave me a framed photograph that captured three girls. I knew the girls, not personally, but their songs were on the top of the charts and I saw some of their music videos. They were good, but I always found them a little bit stuck-up and arrogant. Especially the main singer, about whom I heard way too many rumors. In every situation she looked perfect, no matter where she was, she always smiled and posed with enthusiasm. And then it hit me. I glanced at Jasmin and glanced back at the picture. I repeated that again several times before I was absolutely sure. "Th-that's you!" I blurted out and did not hide my shock. That's why Jasmin was familiar to me from the beginning, I just couldn't wrap my head around it. "You are Princessa Rose!" She sighed. "No, I'm not. Princessa Rose does not exist, for God's sake, who would name their child that?" She rolled her eyes. She was right, it was a damn luscious name, made directly for the red carpet. "Who even are you?"

Was she lying to us the whole time?!

"My name is Jasmin Sierra Faryn, that's my real name, what you guys know.. is the real me."

"And this?!" I turned the photo frame to her. "That's the girl they wanted." I frowned. "Who are they?"

"Management. Jasmin was no use to them, she is just a basic teenager like any other, nothing special, nothing that would catch everyone's eye. So they created Princessa, a perfect girl who would be the dream girl for boys and the perfect role model for girls, and they dressed  her up as a doll and wrote down her life like the script she had to stick to. They didn't give a shit about the band. All they cared about was money. Money, money and more money. They been doing this for years, they never cared about our feelings. Look at the Kardashians. People just loove watching rich perfect people, they are drawn to their lives, they watch their every move, they want to be like them and that's what sells. If people want to be you, they will buy anything you try to sell them. So that's what they did. When Princessa got its name out there and fans, they totally stopped caring about the band, my best friends, not like they ever did, but this was it. I was supposed to go on my social media and tell the world that I'm quitting the band. And the only reason was a boy." She snorted. "A boy?" She nodded. "Because of a relationship with a certain unnamed actor she should star in her first movie. Not mentioning he is eight years older and gay."

"Why did you run away?"

"I couldn't do anything, my contract was binding, there was only one chance to save myself, I don think I will ever forgive myself for leaving the girls alone, and now I don't know what else to do, I can't  go back and I can't just hide for the rest of my life." She was desperate and I was forced to hug her again. I pulled her closer and held her in my arms. "Please don'5 tell anyone." She whispered . How could I? I didn't have the right to, after all I only wanted one thing.. to protect her. "If you promise you'll never do such a stupid thing." She nodded. "In that case, we have a deal."

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