16th chapter

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It was not just a house and a garden that had not changed for the past two years, but also my room. The bright grey walls, covered with many photographs, a white fluffy carpet. Everything remained exactly the way I remembered it, which might have been worse if my bedroom wouldn't be here. They've been waiting for months afor me to come back home, and when it happened, I couldn't stay longer than one day. With tears in my eyes I returned to the living room."Mom, have you seen Grayson?"

"He's out there with a boy that looks just like him, does he have a twin or am I going crazy?!" She answered chuckling. I frowned furiously and looked at the direction she was pointing. With a sigh, I headed to the front door.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I yelled as the door slammed behind me. I was sure I was going to curse and I didn't want my mom to hear me. "It's nice to see you too." He chuckled and I was overwhelmed by an uncontrollable desire to grab the pink plastic flamingo and throw it at him. "You are not supposed to be here! How did you even find us?" He looked hurt. "Oh yeah Ethan, tell Jasmin here, how you found us." Grayson smirked. "According to the last payment on Grayson's credit card I put two and two together and figured out..." He shrugged as if it was a completely normal thing. "You were stalking us? Oh, my God? Why?" I yelled, but then realized that it was better to not know answers. "You know what?! No, I do NOT want to know anything." I yanked, and only in my socks went to the house next door where Jake lived.


"Give it to me!" I shouted and grabbed binoculars out of Ethan's hands. Jasmin's mom said you can directly see into Jake's bedroom from Jasmin's room. "Hell no! Give it back, I asked Jasmin's mom for it!" He tried to grab it back. "If you didn't come, we wouldn't need any binoculars!" He rolled his eyes, "If you didn't take Jasmin to see her family, we wouldn't be here!" He snapped, "If you weren't an idiot, I wouldn't have to drive her anywhere!" Well, that wasn't really true, but I certainly didn't want him to have the last word. "I saw her first Grayson! She's mine, do you understand? That's why we came up with that agreement, so we wouldn't be in this position," he pointed between us "fighting over a girl, like we are in a middle school or some shit, so stick to it!"

I laughed ironically. "But that's exactly what is happening right now, isn't it?! I don't give a shit about some stupid deal! I love her and I know her as you'd never know her because you're just a horny, arrogant idiot! I won't give up Jasmin, not for you! "

The silence that came after my last words was unbearable. "I'm sorry, bro." I sighed. He raised his head and smiled sadly. "You're right, I'm an arrogant self, but not horny." He smirked.

"And you know what you're right about? That deal is stupid, you have the same right as me, but I'm telling you I'm not going to give her up." He grinned. "So we all right?" I asked.
"Hell no, we aren't, she is at that idiot's house."

"Do you think he's more sexy than me?" I raised my brow and thought. "Er ... well ..."

"So he is!" He cried desperately and leaned out of the open window. "I can't see them!" He cried out. "That's because you're not holding it the right way, Ethan!" I groaned. "Ha! I can see them!" He stood up. "What are they doing?" My voice trembled slightly. "They are talking." I felt relieved. "About what?" He turned to me and raised his eyebrows. "How am I supposed to know that?" I raised my hands up. "What is- Wha- Oh, hell no!"

"What's happening?!" I looked out of the window. "That bastard pulled the curtains!" He complained. "Give it to me!" I reached for the binoculars and tried to take it out of his hand, but as we fought back and forth, it slipped out of his hands. "Grayson!" "Ethan!" We yelled at the same time.

"You all right, boys?" Appeared Jamsin's dad under her window. "Cool." I smiled and nodded. "How can you say that?!" Ethan sighed. "Sir, do you nor mind that your daughter is alone in that guy's room?!" Her dad frowned, looking back at Jake's house.  "You two are spying on my little girl?"

"No!" We yelled at the same time. "Well, maybe." I closed one my left eye and cringed. "But we're just worried about her" Ethan added. "Unnecessary, Jasmin would have to be a guy to be afraid of what the two are doing." I snapped my head to his direction. "You're trying to say Jake is .." I started.

"Gay?!" Ethan said with a faint expression on his face. He grinned and nodded as he returned to what he was previously doing.

"I will miss you guys" I whispered and hugged my parents with tears in my eyes," I'll see you soon." I promised as my mom kissed me slightly on forehead, wiping her eyes, "Call us when you safely arrive." I nodded and went to Grayson's car, slipped into the passenger seat, and took a last glance at my old life, I'd do anything to get it back.

It took us about two and a half hours, if Ethan hadn't stopped at gas stations three times we would get back much sooner. I told him not to drink that coffee, but Mr. "I know everything best" obviously didn't listen. Do I have four legs and meow?! Of course, I know how he meant it, but I really wasn't in mood for his sexist bullshit. Especially after they were spying on me with Grayson. Did they really think they were inconspicuous?! They were hanging out of my window like badly hanged Christmas decorations and their yelled had to be heard by all the neighbors within a mile of miles! I admit that I'm exaggerating because I couldn't understand wha they were actually talking about, but it was loud enough for them to attract attention. I swear I will never go anywhere with these two again!

"We're home!" Grayson yelled as the door of my apartment slammed behind us.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I raised my eyebrows at Cameron who was standing in my kitchen. "I'm cooking." He grinned. "You can cook?" I doubted. "No, but he tries it sometimes." Ethan explained to me, who had the problem to find a parking space and arrived later than us. "I'm not talking to you!" I warned him and watched him frown . The hole in my living room was only getting bigger, the boys were basically living in my apartment. There was no point in yelling at them. It wouldn't change anything.

"I almost forgot, you got a mail." Cameron placed a large envelope in front of me. "I signed it for you, it's probably very important."

I grabbed the envelope with frown, something telling me that it would be better to open it alone.

I silently closed the door of my bedroom and sat down on the bed. I snapped open the envelope, the contents of which spilled into my lap. "My God ..." I breathed out and covered my mouth with my hand. "That's not possible." I whispered, terrified.

Celebrity On The Run | Dolan Twins ✔️Where stories live. Discover now