23rd chapter

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"Are you all right?" A frightened, girl's voice spoke as I answered to her call. I was still sleepy so it took me a while before I realized it's Angela. "Yes, I am, what is going on?" I frowned. "Davis called up the security guards this morning, he's coming for you." She whispered. "That's not possible."

"Listen to me, you have to run away. Pack your things and go on the first plane to the other side of the earth!"

"An, calm down, don't worry, he can't find me, he doesn't know where to look." I said, but couldn't get rid of the doubt. "But he knows. Someone called Davis and told him the exact address of the place you were right now, I tried to warn you earlier. Don't waste time and go!"

The cell phone slipped out of my hand. Everything inside me clenched, my brain refused to cooperate. "Baby, what happened, who called you?" I felt Grayson's hands on my waist. "They're coming for me." I whispered and felt tears burning in my eyes. My fairy tale just ended and it didn't have a happy ending. Just like I thought. Oh, I'm so dumb.

"What?!" He grabbed my face in his hands and forced me to look straight into his eyes. "It was Ethan." I realized. "Ethan?" Grayson frowned. "Before we left, he said I was a liar, he knows, he knows who I am and what I've done, he had to find my contracts, and he called Davis and he's coming for me now!" I started to panic, tears ran out of my eyes and I couldn't catch my breath.

"Shhh, you have to calm down, take a deep breath, it will be good, I promise, everything will be good, don't cry anymore."

"But now we have to go." He pulled me to my feet and wiped my face down with the back of his hand. "Go change, I'm going to pack up and talk to my parents, okay?" I just nodded.

Grayson was putting our bags in his car while I was talking to his family. "Come back soon." Lise gave me a loving smile and hugged me again. "And look after my boys." She whispered before she pulled away from me. "I will." I promised and was pulled into group embrace his sister and father. "We have to go!" Grayson shouted from the car. "Call me!" She waved. I nodded and headed to Grayson, but it was too late.

The following event was too messy to memorize the details.

On the sidewalk in front of the house of Grayson's parents, were parked three shiny Land Roves, a security guy, followed by Davis, made way to me.

Despite all my expectations, he smiled. He adjusted the jacket of his rather cheap Gucci suit and headed straight for me.

My body began to shake and the brain commanded to run away, but I couldn't function.

I felt Grayson's presence standing beside me, his arm wrapped around my waist, pressing me to his chest, ready to protect me at all costs. I didn't want to lose him, I couldn't lose him, he was my everything. I wished that all this was a bad dream I could wake up from to the sunny mornig. It wasn't a dream but a cruel reality.

"Tsk tsk, who do we have here!" Davis smiled brightly and stopped just a few feet from me. "So I trupy hope you've enjoyed your little vacation. You got everyone's attention and now it's time to come back again, don't you think?" He raised his eyebrows and laid his hands on his chest in a dramatic way before laughing.

"She isn't going anywhere!" Grayson crossed his arms. "We haven't met yet, friends. Davis Conhard, and I'd be grateful if you put your hands away from my little girl, we don't need another scandal. Now do we?"

"I'm not your friend and Jasmin is not yours!"

"Wrong," Davis laughed and shook his head "according to the contract she is literally mine for the next four years, just like those two other girls."

"Get the fuck out of here and let Jasmin be!"

"Why the harsh words Mr. Dolan? We can have a deal." Grayson laughed. "Yeah right!"

Davis sighed "And I wanted to keep our conversation in a friendly spirit, but whatever." He shrugged and ran his hand through his hair. "Princessa, we should get going, be a good girl and get in the car before I make you." He called me. "I'm not going anywhere with you." I shook my head in disgust, which made him laugh. "Oh, baby, of course you are. You have no othe choice, huh, time is money, now go." He reminded me of his favorite motto.

"I dare you to touch her, and I'll all of your bones you son of a bitch!" Davis just grinned and nodded to the security men. "No!" I cried out.

I was pulled out Grayson's grip. I have seen several times Davis' men take down boys who tried to hit on me or the girls, it wasn't nice, but they deserved it. I couldn' allow such a thing to happen to Grayson, and I was sure it would happen. Davis is a sociopath. He could kill a 40 year old man with wife and three kids and he would still peacefully sleep at night.

"O-okay, you're right, I'm going with you." I nodded. "No!" Grayson shouted, but everyone could care less.

I have to protect him. I would rather go back to my old life then let Grayson and his family suffer for my dumb life choices. He doesn't deserve this.

"Amazin, that's my girl." Davis smiled and gave me thumbs up. "Say your goodbyes or whatever, I'll be waiting for you in the car. It was nice to finally meet your, Mr. Dolan." He nodded to Grayson's direction and walked away.

I could hardly see through the tears. "Don't do this Jasmin, please, we'll think of something, we can do this." There were tears running down Grayson's face, tightly pressing against me and gently stroking my back. I hated seeing him like this, and the worst thing is that it was all because of me.

"I have to." I whispered.

"Oh come on, stop being a soft pussy. I don't have all day. The clock is ticking and time is money, my dear, time is money."

"I love you, always have and always will, I promise." I said before I slipped out of Grayson's arms and headed to the car. "No, no, no. Jamsin, please don't do this." He shook his head in disgust. "I should have protected you."

"You did it, you did everything you could, this is not your fault."

"I love you." He whispered. "I'm not giving up, I will fix this, just like I promised you. I neved break promises."

The last time I looked into his eyes, which I loved so much, I just wanted to see his precious smile one more time, but I didn't expect him to. With my head down, I stumbled to Davis' car and slipped to the back seat. The security man behind me slammed the door and sat behind the wheel.

The car began moving. He was dragging me away from my life, from the people I cared about, from a boy I loved.

I have no faith in ever coming back.

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