12th chapter

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Cuddled up in my blanket with a cup of coffe, I sat on the patio and stared at the awakening city, whose beauty always fascinated me. Since my failed suicide attempt that has happened a few days ago, my secret has remained safe, hidden from the outside world. Grayson kept his word and left it to himself, but it wasn't like before. Something has changed. His presence in me created a feeling of happiness and security. He alone, in such a desperate situation, managed to make me laugh and convince me that everything would be good again.

"Do you want to be sick again?" I heard a familiar voice, the owner of which threw at me another blanket. "Thanks Cameton." I gave him a gentle smile and drank the coffee . "Ethan said you were returning to your family for Christmas." I just nodded and put the cup beside me. "Are you coming back for the New Year?" He asked. "Why?" I lifted my eyebrows and gave him a suspicious look. "We are throwing another party with the guys and..."

"Thanks, I'm never ever drinking with you again." I refused. "Don't say that!" Cameron protested and gave me puppy wyes. "Please, Jasmin! No pools this time, I promise." He pouted, and at the sight of his deep, dark brown eyes I just couldn't say no. "Okay, okay!" I sighed. "I will come back." I promised and knew in advance that I would regret it. "But no pools and definitely no karaoke!" I warned him. "Why not? You sing perfectly!" He blurted with a smile. "Not yet." I snorted almost silently. "I'll tell the boys that you're coming, so don't even think about changing your mind." He warned me and disappeared into the living room. For a moment, I sat silently, until my cup was empty and I had to run inside to warm up.

"Good morning." I greeted the boys sitting at MY dining table in MY kitchen with MY breakfast in MY dishes. Not that I was possessive, but what is mine, it's just mine and the food.. Oh boy, I definitely do not share my food. "Don't you want to, I don't know, for once eat your own freaking food?!" I rolled my eyes and peeked into the half-empty fridge.

I grabbed a pack of biscuits, a glass of milk, and instead of waiting for their reply I went to the living room, after a while Ethan joined me with a bowl of cereal and his perfect smile that told me he wants something from me.

"What do you want?" I fake smiled at him as he settled down on the sofa next to me, "You promised me you'd go Christmas shopping with me, and today is the perfect day for that." I rolled my eyes and nodded, "Not like I have a choice. When do you want to go?" He thought, "Adfwe breakfast? We can have lunch outside and we can go to the cinema in the evening?" He suggested, and it sounded like a date to me for some unknown reason."All right, the guys are coming with us?" He shook his head, "No, I think they have plans."

Yeah, it definitely sounded like a date to me.

"We'll be back late, don't wait for us." Ethan shouted between the door of my apartment and headed for the stairs while I followed him uncertainly. "Is this a good idea?" I asked "Oh, why wouldn't it be?"

"You know fans, paparazzis... and such things." I shrugged as I followed him. "It's nine o'clock in the morning, do you really think the mall will be stuffed with the teenagers?" He raised his eyebrows doubtfully, "Why not? Maybe they are skipping school?" I suggested.

"Even if something like that happened, which won't, you don't have to worry. I'll protect you" He grinned "I don't need anyone to protect me." I whispered and buckled my seatbelt as Ethan entered his car, for the rest of the ride we were both silent.

"If I remember correctly, you wanted to go shopping for Christmas gifts." I reminded Erhan as he headed for the fifth clothing store. "What do you think we're doing now?" He grinned. "Well, if you aren't buying gifts for yourself, then I really do not know what we're doing." I yanked as he walked with his arms full of clothes to the fitting room. I have no idea how he picked up everything so quickly.

Ethan's shopping mania wouldn't end. While I barely carried two bags in each hand, he almost couldn't carry his purchases. I had the urge to offer him some help, but in the end I changed my mind and watched him with a gloomy smile. Just enjoying him struggle. Our next stop was some restaurant, as we were both startving.

"Have you talked to Gray yet?" I asked. "About what?" Ethan looked blankly. I frowned. "About the fact that he is sad over some girl I quote: he can't have because he did not see her first." I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I talked to him."

"AND?" He sighed. "Jasmin, why do you care?" "Why? Because Gray is a friend of mine and I am worried, I want to help him, don't you want to help him too?" He ran his hands through his hir and lowered his gaze. "Of course I want to help him, but not always." He shrugged and continued to play with his food. "Some things are better to leave as they are." He spoke in a vague tone and looked me straight into my eyes. "Because sometimes... it's just.. it's for the best." He spoke, making me very confused and a little annoyed. "Do you really think this is the best for him?!" I raised my voice. "I didn't say it was the best for him, but for a girl he loves yes." I blinked confusedly. "Why would not Grayson be the best for her?" I did not understand. "Please let it be Jasmin, please."

"If you do not care that Grayson is upset you are one of a shit of a brother." I rolled my eyes and stuffed my mouth before I explode. My hunger was getting the best of me. "On who does your little agreement aply, anyways?" I was interested. "Eh, I don't know.. all of our friends?" He shrugged. "Do you know who saw her first?" He nodded. "But you won't tell me." I guessed. Again he nodded and wanted to add something, but a loud, girl's scream interrupted him. "Oh, my God, that's Ethan! Holy shit!" A girl, about fifteen years old, has begun to run in our direction, and her friends have joined her immediately. I gave Ethan a 'I told you.' look.

He just grinned and began to take pictures with a group of five girls. With amusement, I watched what was going and stole french fries
from his plate. The smile faded from my face as other fans began to roll into the restaurant.

Ethan tried to get us out of the restaurant.

In less than an hour half of the city gathered in the mall, it was impossible to run away now. Screaming, crying and a lot of crazy girls whose age range ranged from thirteen to maybe even twenty-six.

It was all scary, like a nightmare, from which you can't wake up. I squeezed Ethan's hand and let him drag me around the mall.

"We are almost outside." He whispered and squeezed my hand even more firmly, but it was not very helpful. There was way too many fans all around us, everyone wanted to grab Ethan for themselves. When our hands were separated, I screamed his name in horror, but it disappeared in the hundreds of voices of the other girls. When he realized that I wasn't with him, he turned around and scanned the crowd with. He found me, but he didn't manage to get to me. Fans have split us apart and did not allow us to find our way back. His face disappeared out of my sight and I started to panic. Tears began to burn in my eyes, and I got hit a few times from the ruthless fans searching for Ethan. I was confused, lost and I was alone. Just the perfect situation for a panic attack.

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