Chapter 16

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"I think you need some sleep" I told Lucy who was yawning for the fourth time.

"Yeah, I do." She said getting up. "And you need to sleep too."  She smiled before leaving the room.

I slowly got up from the small couch I was sitting on and walked towards the bed.

Asher was still unconscious, and he looked kind of pale.

I sat down on the chair by the bed and took his hand in mine.

"It's my fault. Wasn't it? I should have made sure you were safe. What if they put a poison it that dart? What if you-" I was cut off by a sob.

I know I am pathetic for crying like this. But I couldn't stop the tears flowing.

I could imagine Cindy shaking her head at me in disappointment saying-

You almost let the same thing happened to me, happen to my son.

And that was it, the dam broke. Cindy was the nearest person to a mother.
She was there at the most important part of my life. She always knew what to say and what to do. I could always count on her. But I failed her.

You might think I am over reacting, but its complicated. I was trained to kill a person if needed, but I did not react faster which led to the death of a person I love.

I leaned my head on the bed, still holding on to Asher's hand. It was matter of seconds before I fell asleep.

I felt like someone was running their fingers in my hair. It was oddly comforting. I sighed as I shifted in the bed.

My neck was stiff from the awkward position I fell asleep in. I looked up to see Asher looking at me with a small smile.

How did I not see the resemblance between him and Cindy. They had the same brown hair and striking brown eyes.

"Hey" he whispered with his smile intact.

"Hi, how are you feeling?"

"Weird. I feel like my insides turned to jelly."

"Do you feel nauseous?"

"No. I don't think so." I smiled and looked away as I noticed I was still holding his hand.

As if just noticing, Asher looked at our joined hands and squeezed my hand.

Another hand cupped my cheek before he frowned.

"You were crying." He said rubbing the spot under my eye.

I nodded my head, looking down.

"Hey, look at me."he tilted my face up. "Why we're you crying?"

"I failed, Ash. I wasn't supposed to let anything happen to you."

"I'm still here. Aren't I?" He asked.

"Yeah but-"

"I would have been dead if it isn't you. If you did not invite me to your place, I would have been dead. You saved my life, El" he said.

We were quiet for a few moments, just staring at each other.

"Summer woke up." I told him.

"Wow. Is she okay?"

"I guess so. But she was mad. She thinks her being stabbed had something to do with me"

"Why would she think that?"

"I've been framed, Ash. The person who ever stabbed her, he told her something about me. I think he practically told her I was the one who wanted her dead."

"She wouldn't hate you, you know?"

"I really hope she doesn't. I care for her you know? I care for all of you and I know I shouldn't" I told him honestly

"She won't be mad. I know she'll understand" he smiled.

Silence settled between us, until he broke it.

"Come here"  he said opening his arms. I took the offer and climbed on the bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around me holding me close.

"It's okay to let your guard down sometimes." he smiled down at me. I rested my head on his chest and looked up staring into his brown eyes.

"You really have beautiful eyes." I whispered.

I faintly remember Cindy tell me about how her baby got the most beautiful eyes. I never interrupted her when she spoke about her son. I never asked her the name. I just listened to her speak so greatly about him and wondering if she would like me that way one day.

I shook my head at the thoughts of her. I shouldn't think of her now. Not now. I don't wanna cry again.

"So do you" he said trailing his finger down my cheek and twirling a strand of hair around it.

"But yours are more beautiful."  He chuckled shaking his head slightly.

"I really want to kiss you right now" he said and his eyes widened as if realizing what he just said.

I opened my mouth but no words came out.

Do I want him to kiss me?

Hell yeah. Answered my mind.

I smiled at him and looked away.

"I never kissed anyone before. I probably am a bad kisser." I told him and I am sure my face is red as a tomato.

He tilted my face up with his index finger.

"Really? Why don't I find it myself?" He said with a smile as I inhaled sharply.

Next thing I know, his lips were on mine. My eyes widened before closing on their own. Our lips moved in sync. At that moment I felt complete.

His hands wrapped around my waist and flipped me over. I was now lying on my back and Asher was hovering over me, our lips still attached.

"I like you, El. I like you so much." He whispered against my lips. His hand moved from next to my head to my waist as he caressed the skin under the raised top.

My hands were in his hair as he kissed my Jaw and moved to my neck. Licking and sucking it. Definitely leaving his mark.

I pulled his face away from me and looked into his eyes. My thoughts drifted to the previous months.

The times I had spent with him. The times I had spent listening to Cindy speak about him with so much love and adoration in her eyes. The times I spent fantasizing about meeting him.

I remembered the times I had a small crush on the person Cindy talked so much about. I knew so much about him, even before I knew him.

So I smiled at him and said-

"I like you too. I've been, for a long time"


My first time writing a scene like This. So forgive my mistakes.

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