Chapter 15

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"Hey" Lucy greeted me as I walked inside my room, where Asher was still unconscious.

"Hi" I said as I sat on the small couch on the other side of the room.

Lucy was sitting in the chair by the bed. Her hair was messy and she had bags under her eyes.

In other words, she looked like a mess.

"I understand if you don't want me to do this anymore, since I messed up" I shrugged looking away.

I really did not want to leave.

"Hey, don't beat yourself. Mistakes happen." She said in a soft voice.

"But.. it's my job not to let them happen." I said. "My mistakes may cost a life"

"I know." She told looking at her nephew. At that moment, I felt a pang in my stomach.

I felt jealous. Jealous of the sleeping guy in front of me. Jealous of the look Lucy gave Asher.

No one would look at me that way, if I was in his position.

I had no one I could call family. I had no one to go home to.

Of course, Nico cares but ever since Cindy died... He changed. He won't say it out loud, but deep down I know he believes it was my fault she died.

"I made a mistake once.." I continued "It cost a life. I can't do it again."

"It's not your fault, you know" she said walking towards me. "you were young. You couldn't have done anything"

"I try to tell myself. But deep down, I know. If I had been more careful..." A few drops of tears slipped from my eyes.

I do have a heart. My mind reminded me.

"It's not your fault, Lena. Do you know why I chose you for this job?" She suddenly asked.

"No." I shook my head.

"Cindy always used to tell me about you. About the little angel her best friends left for her. She would speak non stop. Lena this. Lena that. And that made me want to choose you.

"She had faith in you. She used to tell me that you were really brave and never gave up. She also told me about how you try to find the mistakes you made and rectify them. I believe in you, Lena. I am a one hundred percent confident in you." She said as she smiled.

I burst out crying. All these years of pent up emotions. All these years of acting like it's all fine. My walls broke.

For the first time in my life, I let someone see me like this. When I am so weak.

Lucy did not say a single word. She hugged me tight as I cried.

"I cannot let this happen again. I cannot loose him" I told her.

"You care about him. Don't you?" She asked as we pulled away. She had this knowing smile in her face.

"I do." I nodded. I do care about him, like no other person I know. And I'm scared about it.

"I trust you, Lena. I trust you that you will not fail again. I trust you that you are the correct person to protect my nephew." She said with a small smile.

"And more than that..." She continued
"I trust my sister's words about you"

"Your sister?" I asked confused. Then my eyes widened. "Cindy is your sister?"

She nodded.

"That means, Cindy is Asher's mother?" I asked in a whisper, suddenly not feeling like talking out loud

"Yes, she is." Lucy said.

"Oh, my god" I put a hand over my mouth.

"He-he doesn't know. Does he?"

"No he doesn't. His father fed him lies about his mother's disappearance. He doesn't even want to know the truth." She sighed.

"Maybe he's scared of getting hurt?"

"Hurt by what?"

"He already thinks his mother hated him. Maybe he doesn't want to know about her because he thinks it might lead to the reason why his mother hated him? Do I make sense?"

"Yes you do. But he has to listen at least. She loved him and wanted nothing other than to speak to him. She wanted him to have a great life, and that's why she left."

"Now I remember. She used to speak about her son. She used to say how much he grew up and..." I trailed off..

And she used to say how much I would like his son and how much she shipped us. My mind finished for me.

"I know. She used to tell me the same." Lucy said, with a smile. "And by the way, I ship you guys too."  She said leaving me blushing like crazy.


I decided that I can't wait to publish this story anymore...

So I decided why not publish the whole one???

So yeah... I'm publishing...

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