Chapter 30

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The last chapter... Happy reading..

I never thought I would be sitting here with the guys and planning Nico's death. Not in a hundred years.

I told Tyler and Jake that I will be on this alone.

"I don't want you guys getting hurt. If this plan fails, he will kill all three of us. I can't let you guys die because of me." I told them.

"We are a team, Lena. We stick together. No matter what the circumstances are." Jake said.

"And we are friends. We will have each other's backs. Even if that leads to our deaths." Tyler added.

"Thank you guys. For understanding me. But I don't want to drag you in this. It's my mess."

"The guys are right. Let us help you." Olivia said.

"Not you too. I can't put you in danger too. Your mother will never forgive me of anything happens to you."

"Nothing will happen. I am one of the best. Remember?" She asked me with a small smile.

"Well. If you all insist." I gave up. I can't change their mind when they all are so stubborn.

It was dark when Nico came home from where ever he has been. He greeted us all with his usual smile.

It took all the self control in me not to snarl at him or take out my gun and shoot him.

I greeted him back and just as planned I went to his office a while later. He was in his chair working on something.

The scene made me feel nostalgic. It made tears burn in my eyes.

I should not cry. He is the person who killed Cindy. He is the person who made me everything Cindy feared I'd become.

I repeated the same lines like a mantra.

"Lena. Do you want to talk about something? I am a little busy." Nico told not looking up at me.

"It's just for a few minutes. I want to tell you about something I found."

"What is it?" He asked keeping the file, he was looking into, aside.

"I had a feeling about who was trying to kill Asher." I told him observing his facial expressions. "Every clue we got and the present circumstances lead to Jon Hales. I had a feeling Jon Hales I'd trying to kill Asher."

His lips quirked up. "You are smart." He told me.

I smirked. "Yes. That I am. That is how I found out that Jon Hales had nothing to do with the attacks on Asher."

"You are smarter that I thought. So did you find out who is trying to kill Asher?"

"Yes I did. And now I am going to kill him." I told him.

"Not so fast, sweetheart." He said getting out of the chair he was sitting on.

"I made you into everything you are now. Did you think I didn't know? Did you think I can't find out that you went to my house today?" He asked.  My heart started thumping. In my chest.

The doors opened and two guys came in dragging Asher with them. My eyes widened.

Where were the others?

"Asher. Did you really think it was your father who tried to kill you? I don't blame you. I'd do the same." He said smiling sweetly.

"Now, I give you two options Elena. You either leave me with Asher and save yourself or you die saving him." He looked at me in the eye.

"I won't let you kill him" I told him with confidence. "I won't make the same mistake twice." I went to grab my gun but one of the guys placed his gun on Asher's temple.

I froze. Nico smirked.

"You can't kill me Lena. Unless you want your boyfriend dead." He said, stressing the word boyfriend.

I looked at Asher. His face held no expression, but his eyes had fear in them. Fear of death.

"Kill me." I told making Asher's eyes widen. "Kill me before I kill you, Nico." I told him.

Nico's smile faltered.

"What are you saying El?" Ash said his voice lacing with pain. I looked at him again.

I can't see him die. He won't die. I won't let him.

I'm sorry. I mouthed as his eyes widened and he shook his head.

Nico took his gun and pointed at me.

"I won't shoot you in the head." He says. "It makes it too easy. I want to watch you bleed to death." As soon as he says that, a loud bang rings in the room.

I don't feel anything for a second before pain tears through my stomach as the bullet enters.

I don't shout. I don't scream. I look at Nico, without an expression on my face.

Tears burn in my eyes. The pain is too much.

Another bullet fires and this time the right side of my stomach hurts.

My knees buckle. It's like everything is in slow motion.

I hear Asher shout my name as I fall to the ground on all the fours.

I want to shout. I want to scream. I want to cry. But I do nothing.

Nico forcibly lifts my face towards him.

"Watch me as I kill him" he says. I gritted my teeth.

He slowly walks over to Asher and places the gun to his forehead.

"Nico" I whisper taking out my gun.

Nico turns around and looks at me.

"I won't let you kill him" I tell and pull the trigger.

The shot fires through the room and seconds later Nico's lifeless body falls to the ground.

Before the other two guys can react I shoot them too. Just like I did all my life.

"Elena" Asher gasps as he comes towards me.

"Stay with me. Please" He said as he held me in his arms.

"I-I-I can't" I choke out. It's too much.

"Just for a few minutes." He said talking on the phone.

"Asher. I promised I won't let you die. Now you are safe. My j-job here is done" I tell him. Tears now running down my cheeks.

"Please. Don't Talk. Don't say a word. Please. Stay with me. Help is on the way Ells. Just a few minutes" he whimpers.

"It hurts Ash. I want to sleep. Let me"

"No. I'm not letting you. Please don't leave me. I need you." He cried as my vision blurred.

"A-asher. I-I love you" I tell him.

"Please. It's not a goodbye. You are not leaving me. Okay?" He tried to stay strong. But I know it was a loosing battle.

I slowly closed my eyes. I could hear him shake me and shout my name. But I couldn't open my eyes.

Last I remember hearing faint sirens before my body fell limp in his.

You have to wait a few days for the epilogue...

Until then...

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