Chapter 10

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"I'm ordering pizza" Asher said breaking the silence for the first time in hours. I've been sitting here in his living room, doing nothing while he tried to do his homework.

Lucy wasn't home yet. So was Nico.

"Sure, thanks" I smiled at him. He nodded and walked into the kitchen with his phone pressed to his ear.

I sighed as I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.

"It'll be here in twenty minutes" he said sitting down across me. I watched as he took the remote and flipped through the channels.

After a few minutes of aimlessly Changing channels, he settled on a movie which I never watched.

"I'm sorry" he said after a few minutes of watching the movie.

"I shouldn't have called you that. I was just.... Scared watching you like that. You killed them without a second thought."

"I had to, Ash. It's my job. I grew up like this. If I didn't kill them, they were going to kill Olivia and her brother. And then they'll come after us. I can't risk four lives just to make an imbecile live. It's not worth it"

"I hadn't thought of that, sorry."

"It's fine, Ash. Just don't tell your aunt that you know."

"I can't believe she sent someone to babysit me." He said and I burst out laughing.

"Trust me, that's the same thing I said when I found out what I had to do" we both laughed only to be stopped by the doorbell.

"The pizzas here" he said getting up and taking out his wallet.

"I'll get it" I said taking the twenty dollar bill from him.

"Don't be paranoid, it's just the pizza."

"I'm not paranoid. I'm just careful" I said walking towards the door.

Asher had a weird look on his face as I finished eating pizza.

"What?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Is it the way I eat? I haven't eaten pizza in forever" I told him.

"Nothing." He smiled shaking his head.

"Tell me" I pushed him. He looked at me for a moment and said-

"You're pretty" cue the choking.

"W-what?" I asked after the coughing fit.

"You look pretty" he shrugged as he got up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen.

This is the first time someone complemented about my looks. Not that I talk to a lot people.

I decided to leave it there and not ask him about it further.

"So.. what do you want to do now?"
I asked him walking into the kitchen.

"I don't know. Do my homework? I have a lot to finish and we have a test Tomorrow"

"I don't care about grades. But can I help you with anything?"

"I don't know, maybe you can. Let me see" he took out his binder from his bag scanning the homework he has to do.

Three hours, four coffees and a few groans later, we were done with out homework. I'm surprised how much I remember, besides studying it years back.

We were in the middle of packing the books when the front door opened. Light footsteps padded across the hall towards the living room.

"It's your aunt" I told him, he nodded.

"Asher, honey" Lucy hugged his as soon as she saw him. She was in work clothes, any other person would think she worked in a software company or something.

"Hey Aunt Luce. Meet my friend Eli" he introduced, even though he knows his aunt knows me.

"Hi Eli. I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you" she smiled and I smiled back.

"Did you guys have dinner?"

"Yeah. We had pizza " Ash said.

"I better head home, Asher. " I told him.

"I'll walk you to the door." He said.

After and awkward goodbye to Lucy I left the room.

"See you tomorrow?" Asher asked as I walked out of the front door.

"Sure. Make sure you wake up early this time" I teased.

"Yeah whatever. Goodnight" he said as I walked down the porch steps.

"Goodnight Ash. Try not to dream about me." I added with a laugh.

"I'll try. Though I can't assure you it might work" he countered back making me blush.

This boy.


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