Chapter 12

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Fifteen minutes later, I was waiting alone in the waiting room for Aaron or Ash to show up. Bri left a few minutes ago because her parents were strict about the curfew.

Even if she did not want to leave her best friend alone, she had to.

"Eli" I turned to look at Aaron who was rushing towards me. "How is she?" He asked, his voice shaking and his eyes red and puffy.

"I don't know. They aren't saying anything. But she will be fine. She has to be fine" I told him.

"I can't believe she's hurt. Why would someone hurt her? She can't even kill a fly." He said his voice raw.

"No one was trying to kill her. It was just a warning of some sort." I told him.

"Is she going to be fine?"

"It's going to be okay, Aaron" I said patting his back.

"What if- what if-" I cut him of.

I cut him off. " There is no what if. She is fine just lot a little blood."

"How do you know?"

"I saw her wound. It's not too deep to cause any fatal damage." I told him.

"I-I-I can't loose her. I can't." He was about to break down.

"You won't loose her, Aaron." I told putting my arms around him as he cried into my shoulder.

"Aaron.." we both snapped our head at the sound of Aaron's name being called.

"Ash" I breathed.

"Are you okay?" He asked, pulling me into a hug. I awkwardly hugged him back.

I'm not used to hugs. What can I say, my job isn't exactly about sharing affection.

"I'm fine."

"Aaron, man" he said hugging his best friend. "She's going to be fine. She is stronger than you think." He said.

"Are you waiting for Miss Scott?" A nurse said and Aaron stood up.

"Yes, we are"

"How are you related to her?" She looked at Aaron, fluttering her eyes.

Is she even serious?  I thought.

We are in the freaking hospital and Aaron is crying his eyes out for his sister, whose health condition we are yet to find, and she is flirting with him?

I and Ash shared a look at her behavior.

"She is my sister." He said, ignoring her pathetic flirting.

"Oh! You can go see her. She'll be awake in a few minutes. And the doctor want to talk to you. Come on, I'll lead you to her room." She said walking out of the waiting room.

As we attempted to go with him, she stopped us.

"Uh.. I'm sorry Miss, but only family can visit." She said giving a sad smile.

"It's okay. I guess, we'll visit tomorrow?" I looked at Ash, who nodded.

"How'd you get here?" I asked.

"I got a ride from Aaron. Now I think we can just take a Uber home" he shrugged.

"I have my car. It's near the cinemas though."

"We can get a taxi there and drive back home." He said.

"Good idea. Come on." I said walking out of the hospital.

The ride to the cinemas and the ride back home was really quiet. Asher barely uttered a word.

"Ash.. are you okay?" I asked as I parked the car in my driveway.

"Peachy" he said with out an emotion.

"I mean really. Are you okay?"

"How can I be, El? My best friend is in the hospital and that's my fault. How can I be fine?" He snapped.

All these months, one thing I learned about Asher is he has patience. A lot of it. But him snapping at me, it's not a normal occurrence.

"You...." I started nervously "you wanna stay the night?"

His head snapped to me, his eyes were wide and his lips parted.

My eyes widened and a blush crept up my cheeks, as I realize how dirty my words sounded.

"Not like that... I mean- I meant-" I was cut off by warm hands on my cheeks

"I know what you mean.." he smiled. "Yes I'll stay the night, if it is okay with you"

"I was the one who asked. Of course it's okay." I smiled back.

"Then come on Eli James. We are having our first sleep over" he said in a girly voice grabbing my hand.

We walked to the door hand in hand and I rang the doorbell. Since I left in a hurry I forgot to bring the keys with me.

A few seconds later, the door opened and suddenly I was pulled into a hug.

"Lena, I missed you" said an obnoxiousness loud voice.

"Jacob?" I said at the same time Ash said-


Shit. I'm screwed.


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