2: Hidden Talents

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Image above is Emerald, just forgot to include his black arm in his description


I look to the door and see Smoke walk in, taking ear buds and wrapping them around an old MP3 player. The teacher turns his attention 

"Smoke I presume" Mr Sutton says with a slightly aggravated tone, smoke just stands at the door, putting his MP3 in his bag 

"sorry, got held back at the gym" he says, continuing to sound blank.

"Go sit next to Mr Neavens, seeing as he was vouching for you when you didn't respond to the roll call" the old lion growls, Smoke just sighs and moves over to my table, sitting next to me.

I turn to Smoke and smile a little, he just faces forward and puts his head on his crossed arms, either not noticing me or just uncaring. my smile turns to a slight frown then I turn back to the front where Mr Sutton stands.

"well, now that we have a full class, I would like to get to know you each individually" the lion says, grabbing a stack of lined paper and walking around the room, dropping a slip in front of everyone "this is all we will be doing for this lesson, any questions?" he asks before he walks back to the front of the room, I look behind me and I see a cream coloured kelpie put her hand up "yes Dana?" Mr Sutton asks.

"Why is that wolf kid wearing a non-uniform jacket?" Dana asks. I take a look at Smoke as he doesn't seem to care, but now that I notice it, she's right, the leather jacket he wears wasn't classed as uniform. Mr Sutton face palms

"I knew this was going to happen" I he whispers under his breath "first of all, his name is Smoke, not 'that wolf kid' and second, he is allowed to wear any unbranded, black jackets for a few weeks until he can be supplied a proper school jacket".

"So emos are getting special treatment now, or is he just a poor, homeless stray brought in from the street, wanting to fit in?" a boy sitting at a back corner says, making a few kids laugh.

"Kyle!" Mr Sutton raises his voice a little

"hey, you hear me fleabag? I'm talking about you!" Kyle calls before Mr Sutton yells

"Kyle, once more, and I'm sending you to admin, and the same goes to anyone else who has something to say!" everyone goes quiet. I feel disgust after hearing those comments, i also feel a little sorry for Smoke.

I look to him and he doesn't even react, almost motionless.

"OK, so if the name calling and insults are finished" Mr Sutton says, calming down a little "let's begin, like I said, you have till the end of the lesson to write a basic sum up about yourself, this includes likes, dislikes, hobbies and how you want your future to turn out" he finishes. Everyone gets out their pencils, pens and other tools as we all start to write. A couple minutes go by and I finish writing.

I look at Smoke and I see that he is instead drawing. The image looks to be a torso shot of himself standing and facing away, a Christian cross sewn on the back of his jacket with a pentagram marked in the centre of the cross's intersection, an angel wing on the right and a demon wing on the left protrudes from behind the cross. I'm amazed to see the amount of detail he puts into the image, it almost looks perfectly like him.

The bell goes before the image gets properly finished. Everyone packs away their stuff and just hands their papers to the teacher, I also do the same and when I turn back to my table, Smoke is already gone. Before I walk towards the door with my bag on my back, Mr Sutton calls my name.

"Can I have a talk with you?" he asks me and I simply walk back to him, "don't worry, you aren't in trouble" he says, I let a sigh of relief before he continues.

"How's Nathan and David doing?" he asks me, I smile and reply

"they're good, they both had good holidays and they are pretty happy to be back" Mr Sutton smiles as he nods

"that's good, now the reason why I asked you to stay, are you friends with Smoke?" he asks, I simply shrug

"I don't know, I met him this morning but he doesn't seem interested in getting any friends, it's almost like there's something bothering him" I say. Mr Sutton leans back and says

"well, you aren't wrong, if you can, try and be careful around him" I'm a little shocked

"why? What's so bad about him, sir? I asked but he simply answers

"I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to say, but that being said, he still needs a friend, so don't let what I said deter you from trying to look out for him, just be a little careful" I nod.

"thank you, sir" I say, giving a warm smile

"also, please tell Mr Greypaw that this is English, not Art" Mr Sutton says, making me laugh as I turn and walk out the door, rushing to my next class.

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