Chapter 17

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I groan as I wake up. The familiar feeling of a hangover has come over me. The last thing I properly can remember is talking to Pattie and Maureen at George's little party, then I approached the drinks and everything else is a bit of a blur. I thought my drinking was completely justified, but now that I think about it, I drank at least double the amount that Pattie or Maureen had. I'm disgusting. No control over my drinking habits. Paul was right when he told me not to drink. Thinking about this makes me want to drink to forget - No. No more drinks.

I roll over and see that I am in my room and I'm thankful that Paul brought me back here. The last time I was drunk I had shown up at his house and he had just given me his bed. I felt bad for being so pathetic.

Suddenly I hear a tap running in the bathroom and Paul walks out.

"Oh good, you're awake." he says brightly.

"Did you sleep here?" I ask, noticing a pile of blankets and a pillow on the floor.

He nods. "Yeah, your room was the closest and you could barely walk so I figured it would be best to just bring you here. I just wanted to stay in case anything happened."

"Oh, uh thanks." I say awkwardly, "You didn't have to sleep on the floor though." I bite my lip, feeling as though that sounded very strange.

He smiles. "It's okay. Now, what can I do for you, milady?"

"You've done so much, Paul. I couldn't possibly ask for anymore." I say.

"Okay, so should I get you some water then?" he persists.

"If you could just come and sit with me that would great." I grin.

He eagerly joins me on the bed and his arm immediately curls around my shoulder. I lean my head into his chest and groan, the full wrath of the hangover suddenly hitting me.

"Are you going to take my advice next time I say don't drink?" he asks.

"Yeah yeah, I get it. You told me so." I laugh but he turns to me with a serious look.

"It's not funny. I just want you to be safe. Who knows what stupid stuff you could do?" he says and I nod.

"Okay, Paul. I know, it's bad. Can we talk about something else?" I ask, wanting to change the uncomfortable topic.

So we lie there together for a while. I try not to move much because I fear that any sudden jolt will send last night's dinner up my throat. I think Paul is liking my sudden interest for intimacy because he doesn't move either, rubbing my arm with his thumb.

After a while, I feel my eyes shutting. My body is tired from me treating it so badly. My headache is causing a throbbing pain, knocking me out into sleep.

Paul's POV:

I think that she has fallen asleep again by lunchtime. I can feel her breathing against my chest. Up and down. Up and down. Fortunately the maharishi gave us all the day off after he learnt that it was George's birthday yesterday otherwise I am pretty sure that Abby would be forcing herself to go to the classes.

My fingers are itching to play guitar and write some more music for the next album. This place is beautiful and inspiring and I have so many ideas.

Having Abby around has been good for me and when I sang my song for her the other day, her eyes lit up. I tried to hide how nervous I was to sing that song for her. Mainly because it had the words "love" in it. I don't think she will take it seriously though. Songs are always exaggerated so she probably thinks it's all hyperbole although I don't think it is.

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