Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel or anything Marvel related. :(

Somewhere in the United States of America:  

        Agent Omega crouched behind the wall. She had blond hair and piercing grey eyes. She wore a standard S.H.I.E.L.D catsuit. The gun felt comforting in her hand. She ducked out of the wall she used for cover to see a HYDRA agent sprinting towards her, a machine gun in his hands. She snapped off a quick shot and hit the ground. A hail of bullets whizzed above her head. Shrapnel cut into her cheek as she hugged the gravel. It stung. Maddie felt blood run down her cheek. She pushed the pain away and eased onto her hands and knees. She was trapped, men guarded her only escape. Behind her was another wall. She reached up and activated her com.               "Agent Alpha." "Agent Omega, this is Agent Alpha, over." "Agent Alpha, I need an extraction, over." As she waited for a response she checked her magazine. she had four more bullets left. All her other pistol's where empty, so where her other mags. Dang, she thought. I didn't expect to run out of bullets.                                                                                                                                                                             "Stand by." Sam's voice came over her earpiece. Sam was her life long partner, and boyfriend. He had blond hair, cut military style. His blue eyes were striking against his tan skin. Maddie heard a sound behind her. She whirled to see a masked assailant. She ran towards him, taking the fight to him. The man had a gun. Maddie shoved hers in her leg holster as she ran. A kick to the wrist sent the man's gun spinning away from him. A nasty snap was heard as his wrist broke. The gun flashed in the sunlight, as it spun in the air. There was a grunt of pain and he doubled over. To her left, Maddie heard the gun clatter to the ground. Maddie lashed out with a punch to the face. The man blocked it and attempted to counter with a fist.                                                           The blond haired Assassin gripped the man's wrist and twisted. His arm snapped. The man doubled over in pain and Maddie swiftly dispatched him with a kick to the temple. Blood ran from where Maddie had kicked him as he fell to the ground. No doubt he'd died almost instantly, pieces of his temple piercing his brain and stopping it. One quick moment of pain, and it was over. Maddie turned to see a HYDRA Agent turning the corner. She snapped off a shot and the woman fell to the ground, gun slipping from her hand. Blood pooled under her head, a gaping hole in her forehead. Maddie didn't have time to go for either gun as three more agents turned the corner.                                                                                                                                                                                    She used her last three bullets. Five bodies lay around her, countless more in the surrounding area. Maddie was out of bullets, and more HYDRA agents were on their way. She hoped Sam was getting here soon. Another group of agents turned the corner. They all had guns. Crap! Sam you'd better hurry! Even as she thought about him, gunfire rang out. The Assassin rolled to the side. It was complete chaos. three men fell before the rest were aware of what was happening. By that time Maddie had picked up a fallen man's gun. She killed two men before they got reorganized. Maddie ran for the person nearest her. She dropped her with a shot. The next person didn't even know what hit him. Maddie killed him with a well placed punch. She wrapped her legs around a man's neck, and twisted. His neck snapped and he fell, lifeless. Maddie drew one of her many knives and lunged for another unfortunate soul.                                                       The knife went in to the hilt. She felt bone snap in the man's chest. Blood ran down her hand, cooling quickly. The man gasped, shock and horror flashing across his face in his final moments. His body sagged to the ground, as pain flashed across his face.                                                              "Hail, HYDRA." He gasped as she ripped the knife free of his body. The blade came free, dripping with blood. The life left his eyes, and blood pooled under him. His shirt was soaked in blood. She twisted and kicked a female agent who attempted to sneak up on her. Maddie's foot caught her in the throat. She gagged, eyes wide with pain. Her hands scrambled at her neck and she stumbled backwards.                                                                                                                                                                   Maddie's well placed kick had crushed her adam's apple. An odd choking noise came from her throat. Her eyes flashed with panic. Her face turned blue from lack of oxygen and she fell to her knees. Her face twisted with hate, and she tried to say something. It came out as a snarl, then she fell face first onto the gravel. That was one person she wouldn't miss. Maddie turned to grab a man who was trying to sneak up behind her. He cried out as she shot him at point blank range. She dropped the gun and stepped over his prone body. Sam dispatched the last person left standing. He wore a standard S.H.I.E.L.D uniform. He held two guns in his hands, and an AK was slung over his back. He took it of and tossed it to Maddie. She caught it one handed and slung it over her back. Sam flashed her a grin,                                                                                                 "Looks like you didn't need to much help." She glared at him, and checked her gun. She had twelve bullets left. She walked quickly over to him. He peered around the corner and gave her the all clear sign. "cover me." then he was gone, sprinting for a jeep that was parked in the parking lot. Maddie scanned the area, pistol at the ready. She saw Sam duck behind the jeep. Everything was still. Maddie saw Sam motion for her, and she took off in a dead sprint. Her heart hammered in her chest, and adrenaline pulsed in her veins. Just twelve more feet, she thought desperately. Maddie dropped behind the jeep next to Sam.                                                                                               "We have to get to our pick up location." He said, voice low. "I don't know how long this will last." The sixteen year old nodded. Maddie peeked around the jeep. More HYDRA soldiers poured out the door. She eased back and motioned to Sam. He nodded silently. "On three." She said quietly. "One...." Both teenagers leaped to their feet, sprinting for the twelve foot fence and the forest beyond. They made it halfway over the fence before they were noticed. Maddie had vaulted over the top, Sam was almost over the fence. Maddie ripped him off the fence as gunfire split the air. She hit the ground hard. From beside her, Sam grunted as his body hit the ground. They scrambled to their feet and sprinted for the forest. Maddie hit the ground as more bullets came dangerously close to her. She eased into a sitting position behind a tree.                                                 "Agent Alpha." She gasped into her com. "report." "This is Agent Alpha, over." Relief flowed through her as Sam's voice filtered through her ears. "Over and out." She answered. Behind her she heard yelling as the Hydra soldiers grouped themselves. She had to get out of here before they came after her. She got to her feet and ran deeper into the forest, towards the waiting helicopter a mile away.  



I will post quotes after each chapter, just thought to add a little extra something.=)

You must stay drunk on writing, so reality cannot destroy you.

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