Chapter 26

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Time: 13:20

Location: Helicarier.

You swallowed and got to your feet. "Yes ma'm." You said, making sure your hands were far away from any weapons. You didn't want to give Agent Kyler any reason to kill you. Your life hung in the balance. The woman drew her gun and leveled it at you. 

"Agent L/N, I want you to tell me where the file you stole is." You looked away, shame burning in your stomach. So she did know. You swallowed nervously. "In the pile of papers." You told her quietly. You didn't think you could look at the woman as she shoved through the stack of papers and pulled the file out from under them. The file laid there on the desk, and Agent Kyler's face went cold.

"Agent L/N, I am arresting you for treason." She said coldly, back stiff. You had never been so aware of your mortality in that moment, with the gun pointed at your chest. A cold sweat broke out on your face as she kept going.

 "You are under arrest for withholding information from S.H.I.E.L.D. and for stealing from a government agency." She picked up the file and took a step closer. "I need you to get up out of that chair, and to come quietly." The gun never wavered from it's deadly path. 

You took a deep breath, about to get out of your chair. The penalty for treason was death. If you went with her, you where going to die, or be stuck in prison for the rest of your life. You considered your option's once again.

Chose wisely Agent, your life hangs in the balance!

If you decide to go with Agent Kyler, (Why would you try fight your way out of here? It would be suicide, at least going with Kyler gives you a chance to live another day.) go to chapter 22.

If you decide to fight your way out, (There is no way your going to walk to your death, you have to many crimes going against you right now to hope for jail, you'd rather fight.) go to chapter 27.    

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