Chapter 36

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Time: 21:32

Location: Granada, Spain.

You took a sip of your pop, watching the people in the Night Club. After traveling around the globe for half a year, you had ended up here. Here was in the back of a club, seated at a bar stool. Your back was to the wall as you watched the surrounding mass of people.

You sat back, feeling the vibration of the bass through the chair. It was so loud it was impossible to hear yourself think. Voice rose to the ceiling, barely heard and indistinguishable in the loud music. You watched as drunken people stumbled across the crowded room, or danced like animals in the crowded floor. 

You knew better then to get drunk, besides, you never like alcohol anyways. It dulled the senses and made you more prone to spilling secrets, and as a secret agent, you had plenty of secrets that could spell death for a lot of people if they got out. You never drank, and these people in the club gave you even more reason to stay away from it.

You wondered why you had come here in the first place. Well, a bar or a club was a great place to lose a pursuer and to disappear. It was easy to lose someone in the crushing mass of humanity, especially when the crowd was drunk. You scanned the crowd, your training as an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. never left you, and it was a helpful tool to have.

You took in everything, not wanting to miss a detail. Not paying attention could get you killed. You took another sip of your pop calmly, despite the chaos of a group of people 'letting lose.' Your version of letting lose was very different from theirs. 

As you scanned the crowd, you caught a small detail. You lived by small detail's. Noticing them had kept you alive up to now. A burly man pushed his way through the crowd. Nothing would be off with the fact that he was walking around in the club, but your instincts warned you that everything was not that it seemed. You trusted your instincts, and lived by them. 

You watched the man, and it took you a while to realize what it was that seemed off about him. He walked with purpose, like he had somewhere to be. That was normal in itself, except he was walking towards the stage. Then you watched as he slipped to the side of the stage. You watched him with narrowed eyes. Well, you knew the first rule of watching someone.

 A human can feel when someone is watching them, it's a six sense of sorts. Instead of staring directly at them, you have to focus on something around them, keeping them in your peripheral vision. You stared at a corner of the stage, watching him out of the corner of your eye as he shoved past the last few people and stopped.

Two big, muscled men moved to block his way. You realized with a jolt, that they had managed to blend into the crowd, escaping a former S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent's keen eye. The men were seemingly blocking the entrance to the stage.  That told you a lot of things right away. For one, if they were good enough to escape your notice, they had training, and only one organization would have a hideout in a place like this. 

You watched, adrenaline kicking in, every sense hyper aware as the man flashed something at the two guards. It was red. They parted, letting him pass, then they disappeared into the crowd. HYDRA was back in business. 

You have two options.

One: Do you go and check it out? You would be able to sneak in easily. The only problem is that you don't know the layout of the place, so you risk getting lost and/or captured. On the other hand, the HYDRA bases you have busted up, there have been people you have rescued from them. Would you really be able to walk out of here, knowing that you had probably left someone to the cruel devices of an organization like HYDRA?

Two: It's not your business, besides, you're not a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent anymore. This doesn't concern you anymore. Also, you would go in there with no idea of anything, and the risk of getting captured and/or killed is high. If you got captured, you wouldn't have any back up. You would rather live another day, and don't want to take your chances. 

If you chose one, go to chapter 37.

If you chose two, go to chapter 38

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