Chapter 27

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Time: 13: 21

Location: Helicarier.

You relaxed, not wanting to give Agent Kyler a reason to start shooting. You wanted to catch her off guard. You kept your hands raised in a 'i don't want to fight' gesture. Agent Kyler took a step closer. Come on! you thought desperately, just one more step. She took the the last step, and you lunged into action. 

Your adrenaline spiked as you grabbed her gun away from her. Agent Kyler stumbled backwards in shock, and you took her moment of hesitation and used it. You pressure pointed her in the chin, hand flashing out. You quickly caught her body as it fell, not wanting it to make a thud that would alert everyone to what was going on. 

You had pressure pointed her a certain way so she would have no memory of what happened when she woke up. You quickly grabbed the file, heart pounding. You shoved it in your jacket so you had both hands free. You quickly checked to see if you had your weapon's on you. You did. You looked at the gun in your hands. Should you keep it? If you did, anyone who walked in would know that someone was on the lose with a gun, i would raise the alarms. On the other hand, an extra gun could come in handy, but it would raise questions if anyone saw you carrying it. One thing was for sure, you had to get out of here! Now!

If you chose to keep the gun, (Why not? You could always use an extra weapon, besides the alarm would be raised anyways when they found Agent Kyler. There's no point wasting something that might come in handy.)  Go to chapter 28.  

If you chose to discard it, (You don't want to raise too much suspicion. Maybe they will think you went to go get help.) Go to chapter 28 

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