Chapter 37

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Time: 21:32

Location: Granada, Spain.

You made your decision quickly. You couldn't let anyone die in there. You finished your pop as you got to your feet, throwing it in the garbage as you passed one on your way over to the stage. You pushed your way past the crowd, thinking quickly. You would bust in there, free as many people as you could, cause some havoc and leave. 

It didn't take long before you where in front of the guards. You stopped as they blocked the entrance. Now you could make out the weapon's they had hidden under their clothing. The first one had a black shirt and sweat pants. He had a rough, unshaven face with beady grey eyes. His brown hair was buzz cut. The second man wore the same clothes, but he had blue eyes and blond hair. His hair hung in his face. He reminded you of a description of Sam Treaty. You shook your head, ridding yourself of the thought. The second guard spoke, and his voice was rough.

" I don't know who you are, but you need to leave." He said gruffly, the Spanish rolling off his tongue. You shrugged, crossing your arms. You knew how to get past these guys, you had on several occasions. Smirking, you pulled your shirt up a bit, revealing a red star on your hip. The second man swallowed, stepping back. 

"I'm sorry." He muttered nervously. The red star on your hip was the symbol of HYDRA. It was respected and revered by anyone in HYDRA. The red star was your crucible, and your hate. You had gotten it after a mission had gone wrong, and HYDRA had captured you. You had only been with them for a month, and it was a month of hell that you would never forget.

"Next time, don't judge so quickly." You replied back, in perfect Spanish. You picked up accents very quickly, so it was easy for you to blend in. The two guards nodded mutely and let you by. You reached out for the handle, opening it swiftly. You stepped in and shut the door behind you.

You found yourself in a hallway. The walls were grey, faded cement. florescent light bulbs flickered overhead. You walked ahead cautiously, remembering every step you took. Every sense was alert, and the buzzing of the lights were the only sound as you ghosted farther down the hallway. Up ahead, you heard a scream, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. 

You kept yourself from drawing your gun, that would be a dead giveaway that you didn't belong if anyone saw you. You took a deep breath to quell the urge to sprint in there and rescue the poor soul. You eased up against the wall, making yourself a smaller target as you peeped around the corner.

A room was spread out before you. It held cages that were pushed against the wall. Humans huddled in them. In the center of the room was a surgical table. Your stomach twisted as you saw the girl strapped to it. She had matted brown hair, and her eyes were closed in pain as blood leaked from multiple wounds all over her body. 

The only thing stopping you from rushing to the girl's side was the fact that there were a half a dozen guards standing int he room, all of them held machine guns. You bit your lip, thinking hard. You grabbed your gun and fired, taking steady aim. Three guards dropped before the rest of them gained sense  of the chaos. 

By that time you had rolled into the room. You go to one knee, firing steadily and accurately. Three more men fell. You ran out of ammunition. 

If you choose to discard Agent Kyler's gun, YOU DIED.

 If you kept it, you made your way out safely and rescued the prisoners. Go to chapter 38

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