Chapter 40

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Time: 13:12

Location: New York, New York.

Maddie pushed through the crowd, trying to find Sam. Where was he? The two assassins had explored New York and had eaten lunch at a cafe. Maddie had turned her back on Sam for one second, and now he was gone. Maybe he was just playing a joke. She thought as she made her way down the street, keeping her eye's and ears open. She saw no sign of the blond haired boy. 

Maddie kept looking, ignoring her instincts and pacing the streets. She took a deep breath as many thoughts ran through her mind. Maybe he had decided to go back to the tower, or he had just wanted to be alone. Each excuse was sounding more and more feeble in her mind. She turned down a random alley and leaned against the wall. She closed her eyes, pushing away the emotional pain. 

Maddie sighed deeply as she forced herself to take an outsiders perspective and think back on Sam's actions. The nagging feeling in her gut, she listened to it now, and what it told her made her  throat close up with unshed tears. She desperately thought back to the beginning and and she had to admit that she had been  wrong all along. 

 Her eye's snapped open as she pushed away her emotions. She had to get to the tower, now! Maddie took off at a dead sprint, weaving her way through alleyway's and backstreets. Her mind was racing as she ran. She had to come up with a plan. She reached the tower and burst through the doors. 

The attendant jumped, startled as she saw the teen barreling past. She watched, stunned as the girl kicked open the elevator doors and slammed the up button. Maddie's chest was heaving, not from exhaustion, but from emotional pain and stress. Tears blurred her vision as she leaned against the elevator wall. 

Maybe she was getting it all wrong, maybe she was overreacting. She clung to that desperate hope for a few seconds, not wanting to believe the worst. She forced herself to face the truth. Sam was a traitor. As the elevator doors opened, her fear was confirmed as she saw Sam Treaty, her boyfriend, holding a gun to Nick Furry's temple. 

His back was to a window, and his face was blank and emotionless. The Avenger's stood on the other side of the living room, stunned and helpless. They where chained together, HYDRA soldier's keeping a close eye on them.

 Steve looked banged up, with cuts all across his abdomen. Tony's hair was covering a bloody head wound and he had blood on his clothes. Clint had bruises covering his exposed arms, legs and face. He looked to be in a lot of pain with both eyes slowly swelling almost shut. Bucky was bleeding from a stab wound in his side. His face was pale with pain, and he was being supported by Natasha. Natasha looked like she had been shocked with electricity. She probably had been. Thor was sitting, head bowed in defeat. He looked to be barely holding on to wakefulness. Wanda was crying softly, a metal band around her neck. It restricted her powers. She was bleeding from a nasty looking bump on her head. Pietro had the same metal band, except blood was leaking out from underneath it.

  Maddie felt her throat restrict as the happy ding split the air. She stepped from the elevator as everyone turned and looked at her. She was in the middle of the Avenger's and Sam. She had walked right into the no man's land.

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