Chapter 5

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I listened to this when I wrote the chapter. I just thought to post it so you could listen to it too. Does anyone else know the story of Icarus?  


Location: New York, Avengers Tower

Time: 12:02

           Bucky had shown the two new arrivals around. The other Avengers sat in the living-room, discussing the pair. Steve sat on the couch, along with Thor. Tony sat in a lazy chair across from them. Vision hovered near the couch, Wanda sat in a chair next to him. Bruce sat in a chair next to Tony. A glass table separated the couch and the two chairs. Clint stood, leaning against the wall. Natasha was on the other side of the room, arms crossed. Pietro was zipping from one spot to another, from standing to sitting.                                                                                                                                       "So....." Steve started awkwardly. He rubbed the back of his neck, not entirely comfortable with talking about the two new team members behind their backs. "What do you guys think?" There was a snort from Tony. Pietro froze, mid run. "Oh, they're ok. But they scare me. Especially the girl." Wanda saw her brother shiver. "I don't like her." his gaze was open as he faced his leader. "Something about her tells me she'd kill any of us in a heartbeat." Steve shifted, not liking how this conversation was turning out.                                                                                                                          "I'm sure Director Furry wouldn't have put her on the team for no reason."He said, hoping to sooth the younger man, and himself. A laugh came from Clint. "She's another version of Natasha." he answered. All eyes in the room turned to the archer. Tony blinked. "No. " He snapped, voice harsh. "Not someone that young." His eyes flashed with anger, and he looked ready to punch the man. Clint looked unconcerned at the other man's anger.                                                   "We all started young." Natasha broke in. Steve turned to look at the red haired woman. Her face was an emotionless mask. "Clint's right." she told the room. "Maddie is a Widow." there was a sharp intake of breath from Tony. "Tony, not every little kid is innocent." Steve said gently. "And as much as it hurts, we can't save everyone." Tony glanced at the star spangled warrior. Guilt flashed in his brown eyes.                                                                                                                                                 "Tony." Steve said gently. "You can't beat yourself up over them." The patriot wanted the man sitting in front of him to realize that the past was the past, and he couldn't blame himself for those he hadn't saved. Having Maddie and Sam around might bring some of Tony's other problems to light, the team could help him deal with those issues. "Sam was supposed to be the next Winter Soldier." The red haired assassin added. "I think that's why we haven't heard of them until now." Vision drifted towards the woman.                                                                                                            "I don't understand." The infinity stone in his forehead flashed in the sunlight that filtered in through the huge windows as he moved. "Furry didn't want us to know about them because they were literally created to be our superiors." Natasha said, face blank. Bruce finally piped up from his seat. "Superiors in what aspect?" he asked, an interested gleam in his eyes. Tony smiled from his seat. He loved it when Bruce came out of his shell. His friend was reserved and shy, and usually didn't speak up during one of Steve's unofficial meetings. It always made him happy when the scientist opened up to the group. Natasha seemed to choose her words as she spoke, her face carefully controlled.                                                                                                                               "They were created to take over our roles within HYDRA, and to kill us." Clint noticed a small gleam in his partner's eyes. He frowned, not liking the look and the secrets it held. He made a mental note to corner her later. "Yeah, " Tony started, giving Natasha a look. "I can totally understand why Nick would want to keep you guys apart." Natasha gave him a cold look. Tony grinned, unfazed at the murderous look he'd been given. He wasn't as scared of her as everyone else. For some reason he thought that she wouldn't hurt him because they'd been in a relationship. It had lasted approximately three weeks.                                                                                                              "It won't cause any problems, will it?" Steve asked, giving Natasha a pointed look. "No." She answered abruptly. Steve sighed, relieved that the issue was resolved. "Does anyone else have a concern or comment?" he asked, after a moment of silence. There was another pause. Pietro stopped screwing around. "No." he answered, a note of finality in his voice. Clint frowned, a look of concern on his face. "What about spidey?" He asked. "I mean, shouldn't we tell him or something?"                                                                                                                                                                  "No." Tony declared. "It won't be necessary, the kids only a part time Avenger. He doesn't even come around the tower, and we don't call on him for missions." Bucky walked into the room, followed by Sam and Maddie. "Nice place." Sam told Tony, nodding in his direction. Tony beamed, "Thank you!" He answered, straightening in his chair. Steve sighed. "Don't encourage him." he told the blond haired boy.                                                                                                                                          "He already has a big enough ego." Sam shrugged, flashing the soldier out of time a brilliant smile. Maddie kept close to the wall, her back to it. Where Sam was easy going, she was more reserved. People took an instant liking to Sam, like she had. She glanced up to see Natasha looking at her. This was the person she was supposed to kill. The infamous Natalia Romanov.                               The woman appeared relaxed with this group of legendary people that Maddie had only heard about. Her red curly hair was cut to her shoulders and she wore a black shirt under a brown leather jacket. Jeans and a pair of red flats completed the look. Natasha's green eyes where striking, and cold. The eyes of someone who'd been through hell and back. Almost nothing could faze the ice cold Russian. Maddie picked out her hidden weapons. She counted six in all. The woman was armed to the teeth, like her. Sam had been busy chatting with the other Avengers.                                                                                                                                                                                             The room had gone silent as Sam had noticed her looking at Natasha. The others had been quick to catch on to what had alarmed him. It was like watching two alpha wolves meet. If they were completely honest with themselves, it was scary. Everyone knew how good of a fighter Natasha was, and as for Maddie, they could only guess. If they were to go by Furry then she was as good, if not better than Natasha.                                                                                                                                          Maddie met the other Widow's gaze boldly. Natasha saw that the girl in front of her was dangerous. All doubts about her being a Widow disappeared as the girl met her gaze. Her eyes were dark. Natasha thought that her eyes must change color because she couldn't tell if they were grey, green, or hazel. The girl stood confidently, face emotionless. It was then that Steve realized how much alike the two really where. They had the same stance, the same 'I may look relaxed but that means I'm probably about to attack you.' vibe that you only picked up on if you knew them very well. When he glanced around at the assembled team, he saw that they knew it too.                                                                                                                                                                                                         "Maddie." Sam said, voice quiet. She didn't answer, gaze locked onto Natasha's. The Black Widow felt a grudging respect for the sixteen year old that stood on the other side of the room. Maddie saw the flicker of respect in the other woman's eyes, she softened her gaze. Natasha gave her a ghost of a smile, the corner of her lip twitched. Maddie almost missed it. She tilted her head to the side and moved towards the Assassin. Natasha met her halfway.                                              "Natasha Romanoff." She greeted. "I've heard a lot about you." She extended her hand to the girl in front of her. "Maddie." She answered, and took the extended hand. "I've heard about you too." She answered. Natasha's grip was tight. Maddie's was just as tight. Their eyes were still locked. They both knew, to look away now was to defer to the other. Neither wanted to be the first to look away. Maddie knew that the most sensible thing to do was to punch the woman and run.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Nothing good could possibly come from this. She stepped away and broke the woman's gaze to look at Sam. "Are you happy?" She questioned her partner. " I didn't try to fight her." Sam just sighed. Natasha crossed her arms. There was an awkward silence, then Tony piped up. " Who wants lunch?" 


Never be ashamed of a scar, it simply means you where stronger than whatever tried to hurt you. 

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Do you think that Natasha Romanoff would actually react like that?

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