Chapter 2

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AN: Italics are Maddie's dream. Normal font is reality. 

S.H.E.I.L.D Headquarters- unknown location

Time: 21:45 (Central Time)

Maddie and Sam walked down the hallway, their combat boats making no noise on the carpet. The other agents nervously got out of there way. They were legendary, and had their fare share of stories and rumors. Everyone knew Sam. He was the easygoing guy that was easy to talk to. Many of the agents at S.H.E.I.L.D knew him personally. What made them nervous was the girl at his side. She was as intimidating as Black Widow, if not more. They'd all heard the stories about the blond haired girl, and kept well out of her way.                                                                                                                   There was a rumor circulating about her at the moment that was particularly nasty. It was whispered that a newer agent had tried hitting on her. According to the rumor the man had ended up in the med-bay in a coma for over a month. Also, the AK slung over her back did nothing to ease their fears. Maddie and Sam kept on walking, ignoring everyone until they got to Nick Fury's office. Maddie walked in to see Fury sitting at his desk doing paperwork. She gave an almost unnoticeable smile.                                                                                                                                                               "Reporting for debriefing, Sir."  He looked up from his work. A hint of relief flashed in his eyes as he took in their appearance. Maddie's catsuit was ripped in a few places, a shallow cut had dried on her left arm. Her combat boots were flecked with mud. Her pistols were strapped to her legs. Her gloves had small amounts of blood on them. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D wondered who had attempted to stop the dangerous girl. Some strands of her blond hair had escaped from it's ponytail. Her face had a dark smudge under her right cheekbone, and a dried cut on her other cheek. Her eyes gleamed with a dangerous light, the AK slung over her back just made her look even more intimidating. Sam had a few bruises and shallow cuts, but otherwise he was ok.                  "your back, good." He didn't ask if they had what he'd sent them for, he knew they had it, they were that good. He also knew they would complete the mission or die trying, especially if HYDRA was involved. He'd seen the hate they had when he'd first found them, he knew they would go after HYDRA and see them fall no matter what got in their way, he knew he could use their hate. They wanted the same thing as him, so he recruited them. He hadn't told Natasha Romanoff or Bucky Barnes, he felt it would be safer if they didn't know yet, and.... He cared about them, he didn't want to let them go yet. Maddie gave Fury what they'd gone after.                                  "anything else?" Sam asked. "no, thank you. Unless you want to help me do all this paperwork." Fury joked. Sam pretended to strangle himself. "kill me, there's no way I will do paperwork." Maddie laughed "come on Sam, let's go meet up with Phil." 

S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters- unknown location

Time: 22: 01 (Central Time)

        Maddie stepped into her room and shut the door. Her room was painted sea green, it was her  favorite color. Her room was simple, it had a bed with a bed stand next to it. There was a bookshelf against the wall above the bed. A desk was opposite the bed, and there were some drawings tacked up above the desk. One of the pictures was a wolf. Next to it was the closet and next to that was the bathroom. Maddie walked over to her closet and grabbed some pj's.                            She sat on the edge of the bed for a moment before changing into her pajamas. She changed hurriedly, not wanting to look at her scars, they brought up bad memories, memories that she tried to bury, to forget, memories of torture and pain, the experiments and..... Maddie didn't finish the thought.                                                                                                                                                                Needing something to calm her frayed nerves, she grabbed a book off her book shelf and started to read. An hour later, she grew tired and put the book away. She fell asleep, and dreamed of the terrors in her past. Maddie dreamed...she was in a cell. The cell that her and Sam had been kept in since they'd been 3. She whimpered in her sleep. Not here, please not here! She thought. Maddie was 12 again. She could hear footsteps coming closer, and closer. She huddled against the wall getting as far away from the door as possible, knowing that they were coming for her. They always came for her.                                                                                                                             "It'll be ok." Sam whispered. His eyes were wide with terror. The door opened and an agent walked in. He stalked over to the helpless girl, cowering against the far wall. Maddie felt the rough stone digging into her back all over again, the sharp metal biting into her wrists. The man undid her cuffs. She swallowed down a scream of panic and fear. Even in her tormented sleep, she couldn't scream. Her brutal training didn't permit it.                                                                                          "up." The Agent snarled at her, yanking her to her feet. She stumbled from the force of the jerk. " it's my turn." He leered. Maddie tried desperately to fight him. She writhed in her bed, sweat soaked her blankets and sheets.  The brutal man hauled her out the door, she fought him harder. A small cry came from her lips and her blankets slid off the bed as she fought her nightmare. The man could hardly keep a good grip on her.                                                                                           " you there." He yelled at a guard. " help me with this wildcat." The guard grabbed her other arm. She felt their meaty hands, clamped tight on her arms. Maddie thrashed in their combined grip. A guard lashed out with his fist, it caught her in the cheek. Her head snapped back from the force of the blow. No noise escaped her lips. Sam was at the foot of Maddie's bed, wakened by her whimpers. He was trying to wake her up, nothing was working. They managed to haul the struggling girl to another room.                                                                                                                              The Agent threw her in. Maddie's back hit the floor and pain shot through her. Her head smacked against the stone floor and her vision blurred. The figure stalked towards her, and Maddie knew fear. She scrambled to her feet, desperately trying to find a way out. Her back hit the wall. Maddie was determined not to beg for mercy as the man drew closer. She was roughly pinned against the wall. A terrified scream was ripped from her lips as.... as hands shook her awake.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sam stood over her, concern etched on his face. Maddie sat up quickly. The cool air made her shiver. Sam sat down on the edge of her bed next to her. He didn't say anything, he just pulled her into his arms. Maddie clung to him like a life line, desperately trying to control her panic. She was clutching his shirt so hard her knuckles had turned white. Sam held her tight, knowing full well what she'd dreamed about. Her shaky breathing signaled a panic attack on the way. Sam rubbed comforting patterns on her back, trying to get her to calm down. Maddie's panic slowly dissipated. Sam was here, everything was going to be ok. She was safe. He was the only person she truly felt safe with.                                                                                                                                      Well, there was one other person but it didn't matter because she wouldn't see them again. Ever. She pushed the thought away. There was no use in dwelling on the past.  Maddie pulled away. "Are you ok?" he asked, looking her in the eyes. "Yeah, i'll be ok." She answered quietly. Sam stroked her cheek, he looked upset.                                                                                                                                    "What?" She asked. His mouth tightened, a sign that he wanted to cry. Neither of them could. Ivan had made sure of that. He was silent for a few minutes before answering. "I hate it when you have these night terrors." he murmured. "I just....." He stopped and took a shaky breath. "I think they did it to punish me too." his voice was full of pain. "Every time they drug you out of the cell I...." He stopped and swallowed, face tight.                                                                                              "I lost a part of me." Maddie wrapped her arms around his neck. She put her head on his chest and wrapped her legs around his waist. He hugged her tighter, not wanting to let go. Maddie felt his lips brush her right temple. She inhaled his scent, slowly relaxing into him. They sat there, enjoying each other's company and watched the sun come up. 



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