Chapter 6

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Location: Avengers Tower, New York

Time: 12: 04

Lunch was an awkward affair, at least for Maddie. She sat next to Sam and Wanda. Steve sat directly across from her, Bucky next to him. Natasha sat next to him, Tony on her other side. Next to Bucky, Vision was floating an inch above his seat. On Wanda's other side sat Bruce. Clint sat next to Sam. Thor sat at the head of the table. Lunch was grilled cheese sandwiches and chips. Sam was involved in a discussion with the Avenger's, excluding Wanda and Maddie. Maddie ate her sandwich quietly, she was aware of Wanda glancing over at her every few seconds. It bothered the girl, but she tried not to let it show. After a few more minutes of almost outright staring, Wanda finally spoke.                                                                                                                                                      "Furry told me not to look into your head....... It's bothering me." Maddie swallowed her food, giving the other girl an emotionless look. It creeped Wanda out. "I....I...." she stuttered. "I like knowing how the people around me work." She justified, then glanced down at her plate, embarrassed. "I suppose Furry had a reason for telling me not too, but...." She stopped, getting more and more uncomfortable by the second. "He was right you know." Maddie told the mind reader. The girl glanced up from her plate, surprised that Maddie was even talking to her.                                "I wouldn't want you to see the memories in my head." She said quietly. She held Wanda's stare. "No one should have to see the memories in my head." "Are they really that bad?" she whispered. Maddie must've had really good hearing because the conversation around them was loud. Her eye's slid from Wanda's to her hands. they where white against the edge of the table, as she gripped the edge of it to steady herself.                                                                                                      "They're worse." Wanda was starkly reminded that the person who sat next to her was as old as she was. Wanda sensed a torrent of emotions coming from the girl. It started with a sick kind of horror that morphed into a mixture of pain and guilt. Then a violent kind of hatred that scared the Scarlet Witch. Wanda's head snapped around to look at the girl next to her, thinking she was going to try kill someone. But the blond haired assassin sat perfectly still in her chair. Maddie's face was blank. It was so out of sync from what Wanda sensed coming from the girl it made her head spin. How was she doing it? keeping such a tight control over her emotions could do nothing good for the other girl, the amount of guilt, pain and anger she was feeling wasn't healthy. Wanda fought the temptation to see what Maddie was thinking. There was a fine line between reading someone's emotions and slipping into their mind. She quickly tried to tune out Maddie's emotions, but she was to off kilter. The mental strain became to much. A small cry came from her lips, startling Vision. He was snapped from the conversation, infinity stone glowing.                                                                                                                                                                                               "Wanda..." he started, the stopped as he saw her glowing eyes. Vision's distress was noticed by those sitting around him. Wanda got up from the table, reeling with the effort of trying to contain her powers. Maddie turned and looked at the witch. Wanda felt no concern coming from the girl, reminding her that she didn't care. She gritted her teeth, trying to keep from entering her mind.                                                                                                                                                                                                "Wanda, whats wrong?" Steve asked, worried for the teenager. Wanda was good at keeping her powers in check, so it worried him that she was acting like this. "I...." She stopped, the pressure in her mind became stronger. The urge to slip into her mind, gain her secrets became stronger. Wanda turned and ran from the room, nausea making her sick. The farther she got from the stranger, the easier it was to focus. Maddie shrugged and went back to eating, feeling uncomfortable with the looks she was getting from Vision.                                                                                               "I'll go check on her." Pietro said, getting to his feet. He raced from the room, leaving a blue streak behind him. A gust of wind blew against Maddie a few seconds later. Her empty cup tipped over. Irritated, she put it back the way it was. The meal continued in silence, and Maddie felt relieved when lunch was over and she could go to her room.

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