Chapter 14

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Time: 2:00

Location: Avenger's Tower, New York. New York. 

Maddie was in the middle of a nightmare. A sleeping terror that made you terrified to fall asleep after you woke up. The kind of nightmare that made you jump at every noise, peek around every corner because of that paranoia that crept into under your skin, freeze at every shadow and stare at it, not knowing if someone was hiding in it. She was having the kind of nightmare that could drive you to insanity, slowly and almost imperceptibly. Maddie was dreaming of memories, and they where the worst kind of nightmares, as it was already damaging enough to have lived it, but to be forced to relive it in your dream's, just pushed at your sanity even more, stretching it like a rubber band. It was only a matter of time before either the rubber band snapped, or the pressure eased. F.R.I.D.A.Y was quick to alert Tony as the A.I. noticed that the Assassin's breathing and heart rate where rising. 

"Sir, it seems that Maddie is having a night terror. Her heart rate is dangerously high, and her breathing is rapid." Tony had jerked awake at the voice of his A.I. Now he got up, groggy with sleep. "What do i do?" He asked, still not fully awake. "I would suggest you go and try wake her." The A.I suggested. If Tony hadn't stayed up so late working on his ruined science project, he would have gotten more sleep and would have been thinking more clearly then he did in that moment. The scientist got up, stumbling to Maddie's room, forgetting that waking this girl would be worse then waking Natasha, and Tony never went into that woman's room. He wasn't suicidal. The door to Maddie's room was locked, and Tony groggily ordered. 

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. unlock the door." The door's slid open and Tony stepped inside. Mistake number one. He saw the girl thrashing in her bed, sweat coating her face. Her blankets where curled around her legs, and her sheets where rumpled. He walked towards the bed. Mistake number two. 

Sam heard Tony get up, and naturally, he wanted to know what was going on. He followed Tony's foot steps to Maddie's room, wondering what the hell the other man was doing. He saw Tony moving towards Maddie's bed. She was in the middle of a nightmare. Tony reached down to shake the girl. Mistake number three. He saw a shadow detaching from the wall, and whirled. A force slammed into him, and suddenly his face was being pressed into the floor, a gun was on his temple. Tony's finger's slid to his bracelet, and he activated it, sending out the signal for his Iron Man suit. He felt the metal come shooting at him and he twisted as the gunshot went off, his helmet encasing his head. He came to his feet, aiming his repulsors at............. Sam.

 Why the hell had Sam attacked him? It was then that all hell broke lose. Maddie jerked awake, and her initial reaction was to attack the nearest person, which just so happened to be Tony. As Maddie jerked awake, doors slammed and running feet came towards her room, further aggravating her panic. HYDRA was here, and in her panic, she didn't know what she did. Maddie lunged at Tony, slipping a Widow bite into his suit, then rolled away. Everything based on pure reflex and training. The rest of the Avenger's burst into the room to see electricity arch along Tony's suit, and his scream pierced the air. Maddie was crouched in the icon Widow crouch, hand in front of her. Her other hand was in the process of drawing her gun. Steve sprinted past Tony, seeing the imminent threat. He forgot that the girl he tackled to the floor was a better fighter then Black Widow. 

Maddie twisted and got to her feet, kicking him in the head. Steve took the kick and stumbled to his feet. The only reason he had survived that kick was because of the Super Soldier Serum. Maddie lunged at Steve in a blind panic, hands flashing with blades that moved in a blurring pattern. She cut him five times within the first few seconds. Steve stumbled away as cuts littered his arms, legs and chest. Blood welled from cut's, and his shirt was ripped in several places. His lips where tight in pain as his arms came in front of his face. Maddie kicked him in the stomach then swept his legs out from underneath him. He hit the ground with a thud, winded by her kick. Wanda thought fast as the girl brought her blades down, intending a killing blow. 

"Stop!" She screamed, as her hands ignited with red mist as she used her powers. She pulled upwards with her hands and mind, and the girl was suspended, frozen in place. Tears leaked down the Scarlet Witch's face as she watched the girl hang there. Wanda had felt the girl's every emotion, and her power's scared her. She hated using it. Vision drifted over to her. "Are you ok?" He asked. "You are distressed. That is what the internet tells me." Wanda curled into his chest, crying softly. Vision cradled her, and Pietro shot him a dirty look. Bruce Banner hurried to Steve's side. "I need to check on your cuts." He said shyly, tugging on Steve's arm. The Super Soldier nodded, and followed Doctor Banner out of the room. Vision was gently holding Wanda, who was to distraught to notice that he was slipping out of the room. Pietro followed, not wanting his sister to be alone with Vision. Tony had followed Bruce to the Med Bay. Bucky stared up at Maddie, suspended in the air. Natasha reached out and put a hand on his shoulder.

 "Hey." She told him. Wanting to snap him from his memories. She knew seeing her like this had triggered a memory of being frozen. Bucky turned and looked at her, eyes dark. "She's not feeling the same way." Natasha said gently. Clint watched the pair with a smile. He had always wanted Natasha to find the right person. He wanted her to experience the love he felt. She had always been to closed off to the team. Maybe now she would open up. He turned and went back to bed. Maddie suddenly collapsed, the red mist fading, and she caught herself before she hit the floor. She got to her feet, teeth gritted. Every muscle in her body felt like it had been lit on fire. She stood in front of them. Sam, Natasha, and Bucky. Everyone in the room and been through HYDRA. She didn't want toe embarrass herself now. Sam caught her as she collapsed. He picked her up and put her in the bed. Bucky and Natasha looked at her for a moment, then turned and left, Sam behind them. "The mental strain was too much." Natasha told Thor, who had finally come to his senses and had decided to check out the commotion. The god of thunder gave them a strange look, then said. "I was going to use the Wash Room. I think i drank to much last night." He boomed. Natasha shrugged and everyone walked past him, going back to bed.                  

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