Chapter 24

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Time: 13:30

Location: [--------, ----------] (it appears the location has been blanked out. I wonder why.)

Maddie leaned back in her seat, determined to get some sleep before the action started. She tried to relax, breathing deeply and evenly, her eyes closed. It would do no good to stress about the mission, it would only wear her down  before she even got there. The other Avenger's sat in the plane, calmly waiting to get off. Wanda was sneaking glances at the apparently sleeping girl. She was still trying to comprehend the fact that she had just offered herself up as bait, to protect her and her brother. Time seemed to stand still as the roar of the engines surrounded them, hours becoming meaningless. 

Maddie woke to Sam shaking her gently. He had his mask pulled over his face and his blond hair hung in his face, covering his blue eyes. They were barley visible through the mop of hair. He brushed it to the side as Maddie sat up, unbuckling. 

"We leave in five minutes." He explained and Maddie nodded, pulling on her gloves and mask. She did a triple check of all her weapons and when she was finally satisfied, she slung her gun over her back. Sam put his head on her shoulder, lips gently brushing her cheek. Maddie shivered. Sam's voice was low and quiet in her ear.

"How about a kiss for good luck?" Maddie had never been so tempted to smack him in that moment. She glared at him and he smirked, slipping an arm around her waist. His breath washed over her and her stomach clenched as Sam chuckled. He kissed her anyways. Maddie reached up and slipped her hands around his neck, pulling him close. Her finger's trailed across his shoulders and along his knives. Sam pretty much had her pinned against the seat, kissing her like it was the end of the world, hands tangled in her hair. There was a wolf whistle, probably from Tony or Bucky, and the two pulled apart. Maddie shot the assembled Avenger's a murderess look. Everyone was suddenly occupied with the sight out the window. Sam laughed, licking his lips, unfazed by her look. Captain America spoke in the silence. 

"Ok, Maddie, you're getting off in about 30 seconds. Make your way to the first check point like we planned." He ordered, and Maddie nodded, grabbing a parachute and strapping it on. Her fingers moved with ease, speaking of practice, as she quickly buckled it on. She went to stand at the doors. She reached up and activated her com.

 "This is Agent Nightstalker, reporting in for mission Failsafe73. Requesting permission to jump." She said, speaking clearly and emotionless. Pietro was shocked at how quickly the girl he had seen around the tower had disappeared, turning into this. 

"Permission granted." The operatives voice said, and the doors opened. Wind howled through the plane, and blue sky and green grass flashed in the opening. Maddie jumped out, pushing off the edge of the plane as the wind whipped her hair. The loud roar of the plane echoed in her ears, then faded. Maddie plummeted in a skydiving position, the air ripped from her lungs. She managed to gasp enough to feel air slipping slowly back into her lungs as she fell. The adrenaline rush came, and she had to control herself. She judged it was time to open the parachute and she felt the familiar jerk as her descent was rapidly slowed. Now, she fell slowly to the Earth. 

Back on board the plane, the others got ready to go, getting their various weapons ready. Everyone signed in, notifying the control center. The Avenger's went to stand at the doors. Pietro nervously waited by his sister. Captain America readied his shield. His voice was crisp and sharp, a clear order.

"On the count of three, move!" He snapped. The plane only touched down, so when the doors opened, they had to get out! Wanda waited breathlessly, hands crackling with her red magical energy. The plane dipped, and everyone tensed, breathing uneven. The door slid open, revealing a wooded clearing. 

"Go, go, go!" Steve barked as Bucky was the first one off. Everyone piled off after him, and Steve was the last to jump, the plane already 12 feet above the ground. He landed in a crouch, shield at the ready. Natasha, Bucky, Clint and Sam were already clearing the area. Steve saw Bucky give the all clear sign and he stood. 

"Everybody move out!" He barked, and the Avenger's started towards the north. Steve was in the front, shield at the ready. Wanda was at his side, her eyes glowing as she tried to sense any incoming people. Everyone else spread out behind them.       

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