Chapter 16

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Nick Furry paused for a moment, looking at the enraged girl.  Her eye's blazed with murder. She the living incarnation of rage. What had she been yelling about? Furry was wondering who was on her kill list.  He took a step foreword, wanting to stop her before she killed one of the Avenger's. 

"Maddie, what happened?" He asked coolly, keeping his face emotionless. He made sure his hand's stayed far away from his weapon's. He didn't want to give the girl a reason to attack him. Maddie looked almost like a weasel. The little animal's would go into killing rages and slaughter anything and everything they came across. They where known to wipe out entire roosts of chickens, and when their blood lust overcame them, they where almost unstoppable. 

"The Witch used her power's on me." Maddie's voice was eerily calm. Nick Furry, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. took a step back. He had no wish to fight her. His mind was spinning in a hundred different directions, calculating each outcome, each way Wanda Maximoff could die a hundred different deaths, and each way he could prevent it. One option stood out to him.

 "Why did she use her powers on you?" He asked. Maddie froze, it was as if you could see her brain screeching to a sudden halt. Her eyes narrowed. 

"I don't know." she said, and it came out very confused. You could practicly see the girl straining to remember why Wanda had decided to freeze her in time and space. She gritted her teeth, racking her brain. She remembered panic, that was it. 

Maddie's rage was starting to fade. What had happened?  It bugged her that she couldn't remember, it reminded her eerily of being wiped. She took a deep breath, running a hand through her hair. She refused to freak herself out with that thought. 

"Can someone explain to me what happened?" She exploded, whirling to face Bucky. The Winter Soldier looked away. Not because he didn't want to look at her, but because Tony had just stepped from the elevator.  Tony paused, looked at her, then shrugged.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. woke me up, telling me you where having a nightmare. I tried to wake you. Then your Boyfriend attacked me, causing you to wake up. You flipped and tried to kill Steve. You almost did but Wanda stopped you from stabbing his brains out by freezing you. She levitated you to the ceiling.  " He summarized. Furry inwardly winced. That sounded like Maddie all right. 

Maddie glanced at Steve, who had made his way to the kitchen door. "So that's what the panic about HYDRA finding me was all about." She ran a hand through her hair. The assembled Avenger's took her words, silently surprised that she had even admitted something that could be considered personal. Bucky chuckled.

"Maddie, don't you worry about HYDRA trying anything here." He said, reassuring the girl that they wouldn't stand a chance against the Avenger's. Nick Furry looked down at Sam. "Get him to the Med-Bay." He ordered, then turned on his heel and left, deciding he could tell them later. They had enough on their hands right now.

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