Chapter 4

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S.H.E.I.L.D Headquarters- unknown location

Time: 5:00 (Central Time)

           The couple ate breakfast in one of the many cafeterias at the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. There where only a few early risers in the cafeteria, five to be exact. Maddie recognized them instantly. The Wolf Strike Team, eating an early breakfast before heading off on a mission. The Wolf Strike Team was composed of some of  S.H.I.E.L.D 's best agents. Maddie had only heard of them and she'd seen the leader once.                                                                                                                                     His name was Dale Forester. He sat with his back to her, arm around a woman that Maddie assumed was Ashley. She hadn't been told the last name. The third woman sat across from Forester. Her name was Joyce, again Maddie didn't know the person's last name. A guy with brown hair sat next to her, fork tapping his lips. He was Tristan. They all looked to be 21.                                A girl sat with the group. She was younger than the rest, eighteen maybe. Maddie's pulse quickened. It was the unknown fifth member. Maddie had tried to accesses information on her, but Furry had denied it. Furry had told her something along the lines of,                                                         "it is dangerous information. I can't let you know anything about her." Now Maddie understood why. The girl was Crystal Wayne, and Maddie had seen her before. It had been a long time ago, before Hydra's Widow program had been shut down. Maddie had only been seven at the time. She'd seen the girl fighting at least five guards at once, screaming curses and threats at them. She'd killed them too. It had taken twelve guards at once to subdue her. Even then she wouldn't submit, cursing them all to hell as they beat her to a bloody pulp. They even shot her in the shoulder. Crystal had impressed her, and given her silent hope. Then she'd been dragged away unconscious. Maddie hadn't seen her again.                                                                                                         Sam noticed her looking at the group, he reached over and gently touched her hand. Maddie glanced at him and he gave her a look. She went back to eating her food. After breakfast they made their way to Furry's office. He glanced up as they came in. "Good morning." he greeted, warmth flashing in his eyes. He had a soft spot for the two. Sam nodded a greeting.                            "The reason I wanted to meet with you two is because you've both been transferred." Maddie kept her face blank but inside she wasn't sure whether to scream or cry. Her and Sam had always had a place here. Why was he transferring them? and to where?  "You've become Avengers." Furry said. Maddie blinked, not sure if she'd heard him right. "Why?" She blurted. Furry glanced down at the paper on his desk. "The Avengers need more people. They almost couldn't stop Ultron, even then, people died." He answered. Sam nodded. "So, when are we moving in?" "Today." was the brisk answer.                                                                                                                            "your stuff was moved when you ate. The Avengers are expecting you." Maddie wasn't sure if she should be impressed or pissed off at the director of  S.H.I.E.L.D. She sighed in resignation. At least they could take the motorcycles. "Oh, and Maddie? Your taking the car." Maddie decided she that was pissed off at Furry. "Not impressed." she told him flatly. "Come on, Maddie. Let's go meet with the Avengers." Sam said, laughing.


Location: New York, Avengers Tower

Time: 5: 40

     25 minutes later they were standing in the foyer of Avengers Tower. The lobby was huge, a whole floor. The floor was marble. A receptionist sat at the front desk. As they walked in she gave them a severe look. "What are you kids doing in here?" She glared at us. "Don't give me the I'm an intern for Tony Stark story." Maddie started towards the desk, Sam trailing behind her.                   "What floor are the Avengers on?" She asked sweetly, giving the lady a smile. The lady gave her a glare. "You need to leave, now." her voice was sharp. "I don't know who you think you are, even if you are the most devoted Avenger's fan there is." Maddie's eyes turned emotionless, the smile dropped from her face. The woman blinked at the sudden transformation, there was something dangerous about this girl. then she reminded herself that she was a girl, and no match for a karate black belt.                                                                                                                                                          "I'll have you know that we are Avengers." She said quietly. the lady drew herself up right. "You have to leave, Now! or I'll call security!" She barked. "Don't try feeding me lie's girl. The Avengers couldn't possibly expect to meet with two kids like you." Maddie grabbed the ladies blouse, ripping her out of the chair. Her hip hit the counter, hard.                                                                   "Don't push me." she said, voice cold. The lady struggled in her grip, choking. She tried breaking Maddie's wrist. Maddie reacted instinctively and ended up breaking the woman's arm, brutally shoving her into the chair. Maddie turned from the desk and stalked to the elevator, face blank. Sam trailed behind her, whispering sorry to the lady, who was doubled over in pain, crying. Maddie entered the elevator and the doors slid shut.                                                                                     "Miss Maddie." a robotic voice said. It was feminine. It also made Maddie jump. "And Mr. Sam." Maddie glanced at the speaker in the elevator. "Um....hi" Sam said awkwardly. "You must be Tony Stark's new A.I." "You are correct." the robotic voice responded. Maddie thought that Sam looked like a complete idiot talking to an elevator. "Uh, could you take us to where the Avengers are?" He asked, still wierded out about having to talk to thin air. "Of course." The elevator started moving. When the doors opened, it opened into a living room. The Avengers sat in assorted chairs and couches. Steve stood, a welcoming smile on his face.                                                       "You must be Sam and Maddie." He said, "You probably already know me. I'm Steve Rogers." Sam gave him a warm smile, teeth flashing pearly white. "I'm Tony Stark." Said person raised his hand and waved lazily at the two newcomers. The Avengers introduced themselves. Maddie stood a little behind Sam, memorizing their names. It wasn't to hard as she already knew about them. Bucky cleared his throat before speaking. "I can show you your rooms now if you want." Sam grinned, speaking for Maddie. "That would be great, thank you."       



Normal is an allusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the flies. 

Was it any good?



What did you like?



Again. where their reactions realistic? 

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