Chapter 12

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Time: 12:00

Place: Avenger's Tower, New York. New York.

Wanda Maximoff did not like being around either of the new Avengers. Maddie more then Sam. The girl just had something off about her, something that grated on Wanda's nerves. She couldn't figure out what it was, and that annoyed her even more. She fought to keep her emotion's down around the girl, but so far, it hadn't been working. And it was getting more and more tempting to slip into Maddie's head, to see what drove the girl. A sort of resentment was starting to rise inside of her. She didn't like the fact that there was something wrong. 

Maddie could see the tenseness of the witch, and it triggered all of her alarms. She wanted to draw her gun and shoot the girl, just to be done with it. Maddie steeled herself against the violent action. They where the Avenger's, they where supposed to be a team. Maddie felt a growing anger simmering under her skin. Furry knew she didn't work well with others. Why had he put her here? Sure, her skills could come in handy, but with Furry, there was always another motive. 

Maddie took a deep breath, the thoughts swimming in her mind. There where so many unanswered questions and she hated unanswered questions. Maddie stepped into the kitchen to see Furry standing at the table. He held a manila folder in his hands. The other Avenger's where sitting at he table, wondering what was going on. Furry saw Maddie's eyes narrowed and he saw that she was almost at her breaking point. Being forced onto a team that she was supposed to have been fighting would have been hard enough already, but the girl had severe trust issues. And he knew she couldn't sit still for too long, if she spent to many day's out of action, she became irritable, provoking fights and getting into trouble. He did not want that to happen in the Avenger's tower. He didn't need them out of action for months. 

"Maddie." He said, holding the file out to her. Everyone else froze. There was dead silence as the girl took the folder. "What?" Pietro was the first to speak, voice indignant. He couldn't believe that the new team mate was getting a mission, and no one else was going. Clint was opening his mouth to say something, but Furry cut them off. "This is for her." He snapped, patience coming to an end. He had more important things to do then argue with a group of misfits. 

Maddie opened the file, ignoring the commotion. She scanned the pages, committing everything to memory. Her target was a man named Josh Harper. S.H.I.E.L.D needed him gone. He had brown hair and black eyes. Maddie committed everything to memory, then handed the file back to Furry. "When do I leave?" She asked, face as emotionless as her voice. Furry knew the smartest thing to do was to have her leave within an hour, he didn't want her to miss lunch, but he wanted her out of the tower so she could burn her energy. 

"You leave within the hour." He told her, then brushed past Sam. They all heard the elevator ding as it went down. Maddie grabbed a plate of food and left the room.    

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