Chapter 1

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Goodbye Audrey! I yelled to my college roommate.

You cant leave already. California is going to be so boring without you here. Who will come with me to the beach, Starbucks, or have a movie night with me?

We can Skype and have a movie night. Dont worry. It isnt like were not going to keep in touch I told her. Besides we have to Skype every Tuesday together to watch the Dolan Twins new video together.

Oh my gosh yes! Audrey replied with excitement. Well, you should get going. I dont want you to miss your flight because your clingy roommate wont let you leave.

Love you girl. I will text you when I land. I told her as I walked out the door to catch my plane.

I should probably tell you some of my back story. My name is Taylor and I am 19. I am just finishing my first year of college at UCLA. My home is Long Valley, New Jersey. I have a twin brother named James that I am very close with. We Skype every day and I tell him everything. James is always there for me if I need someone to vent to. I cant even explain how blessed I am to have a twin brother like him. So anyway, I got off topic. I am getting a Masters degree in Athletic Training. My goal is when I finish my degree to move back home to New Jersey and get a job with the NFL football team, the New England Patriots. It has always been a dream of mine and I hope to achieve it sometime in the future.

Reality hit me in the face that I was finally going back home when I was boarding the plane. This was only my second time flying alone. My first time flying alone I was a nervous wreck. I sat down in the cool leather seats, which may I say felt so good after being in the Cali heat. I buckled my seatbelt and did what I was told as the aircraft headed toward the runway. As it ascended into the atmosphere I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up to everyone getting up. I looked out the window to see we had landed in New Jersey. Just the thought of being able to hug my twin brother and my parents of course plastered a huge bright smile across my face. I got myself up out of my seat and followed the rest of the passengers out. When I got off the airplane I gathered my luggage. When I turned around I saw James. I ran straight to him and embraced him in a bear hug. Then I suddenly noticed mom and dad werent there.

Where is mom and dad? I questioned James.

We are having the neighbors over for dinner tonight and theyre trying to get dinner ready. James told me. But any way I must introduce you to my two new best friends, Ethan and Grayson.

My mind went straight to the Dolan Twins of course but it couldnt be them, right?

I trailed behind James out to his car. He opened the passenger door and took my bags. He was seriously the best twin brother in the world.

Ethan, Grayson this is my twin sister, Taylor. James introduced me.

Hi- I stopped talking when I turned around and my eyes got huge. I whipped back around and sat forward in my seat.

Are you okay? James asked me to look a little concerned to say the least.

U-uuh yeah I am um, Im great. I stuttered making it way too obvious. Can we talk later, in private?

Yeah, I guess. James said as he gave me a weird look.

After what seemed like the longest drive ever we finally arrived back home. I got out of the car and gathered my luggage. I was trying to set my mind straight. Was I imagining things or were the Dolan Twins sitting in the back of my brothers car. When I got in the door I gave my parents a wave and a quick hug then ran like a baby up to my room.

I was trying to unpack my things and just calm myself. While thinking about what the heck happened and trying to process the fact that my twin brother was best friends with my role models. I have looked up to them since Vine. I just couldnt seem to process this concept. Then James walked in.

Why are you acting like Taylor Swift is in the room. You werent being very polite to Ethan and Grayson. Is there something wrong? Do you not- James started to ramble, so I cut him off.

Think. Just for a second. I told him. Who have a looked up to since Vine?

Tay!! Oh my god it completely went over my head. I feel so bad. James said with a look of guilt on his face. Do you want me to fake being sick and then theyll leave?

No, I said sternly, theyre your best friends and I will have to suck it up. I will figure out a way to play it cool around them.

This is why youre the best twin sister I could ask for, James said with a smile, put on your merch and come downstairs, they would love that.

I will I guess. Can I text Audrey first though? She cant miss out on this I chuckled.

Do what you got to do but no longer than twenty minutes. Dinner is almost ready. James told me walking out of my room.

I grabbed my phone and texted Audrey.

Me: Hey girl, sorry I forgot to text you when I landed! Text me ASAP!!! You wont believe this

Audrey: Finally!!! I was starting to worry... What exactly am I not going to believe?

Me: James is best friends with THE Dolan Twins.

Audrey: No.

Me: They picked me up from the airport with him.

Audrey: No freaking way.

Me: Yes. I am going to have dinner with them tonight because oh yeah, theyre our neighbors too!!

Audrey: Talk about living the dream! I cant even process this. Can I come visit?? LOL

Me: You should once I get settled!

Audrey: Are you for real?

Me: Of course! I got to go dinner is going to be ready. God be with me to get through this dinner.

Audrey: Ugh... love you Taylor ttyl

I put on my black hoodie that I had recently purchased from their official merch website. I was questioning myself as to whether this was actually a good idea or not. Before I knew it, I found myself walking with confidence down the stairs. My heart was starting to pound out of my chest. Here goes nothing

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