Chapter 27

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Ethan's POV

            I just wish she would wake up already. I was holding her hand when I though I felt it twitch. I looked up at her face, was that her eye twitching? No, was it? Am I going crazy? That's when I saw the beautiful blue eyes of my girlfriend. I was in shock. I couldn't believe it. I just sat there staring at her crying.

            "Doctor!" I yelled.

            The doctor came rushing into the hospital room.

            "I told you, Ethan, you saved her," the doctor told me, "just remember that."

            They had to ask me to step out of the room so they could do some routine tests. That's when Grayson and everyone walked into the hospital. I ran over to them and told them the good news. I couldn't help but cry when I did.

            "Can we see her?" Taylor's parents asked.

            "You should be able to soon, the doctor is just running some routine tests." I told them.

            Then the doctor walked out over to where we were all standing.

            "Hello, you guys must all be family and friends of Ms. Taylor?" The doctor asked.

            "Yes," everyone answered eagerly wanting to know the news.

            "First, I just want you all to know, Ethan saved her." The doctor said. "I told him, just talk to her she will hear you, and he did that. This young man did not leave her side. He hasn't slept at all because he didn't want to miss her waking up. You have one amazing son Mr. and Mrs. Dolan. And as for Taylor's parents, you will have one amazing son-in-law to take care of your daughter."

            At this point everyone was sobbing.

            "You may see her one at a time," the doctor informed us.

            "Ethan, you go first," Taylor's parents said.

            "No, everyone else first, I have been with her for the past three days." I told them.

            Taylor's parents smiled and went to her room together.

            After half an hour Taylor's parents came out and her mom came straight for me. She engulfed me in a hug and kept saying thank you over and over. Then her dad walked over to me.

            "You don't even have to ask permission Ethan. Marry her when you're ready. I trust you." Taylor's dad told me with tears in his eyes.

            After a few hours everyone else went and saw Taylor. Every time they came out they would say "Taylor wants to see you," but I wanted to let everyone else go first because I knew I would be in there for a while talking about everything with her. It is my time now. Everyone was practically pushing me to her room. I walked in and looked in those beautiful blue eyes to see my girlfriend. The love of my life staring and smiling right back at me.

Taylor's POV

            There he was the love of my life. It was so nice to see his handsome face. I looked into his red eyes. He had all kinds of emotion on his face; happy, excited, anxious and exhausted.

            "You saved me Ethan," I told him starting to cry. "Every time you told me a story it made me stronger. I heard every word you said E."

            "I love you so much," Ethan said coming over to the side of my bed hugging me.

            It was the best hug I have ever had. Then we kissed, just like how it was. Fireworks and sparks. I was living in a fairytale.

            "Ethan, you need sleep babe," I told him. "I know you haven't had any sleep for at least three days."

            "I will go home and I will be right back, I promise," Ethan said.

            "Pinky promise?" I said in a childish voice.

            He just smiled and we locked pinkies.

            "Hey before you go," I said stopping him. "Where is my phone?"

            "The police said it was broken," Ethan said. "I will get you a new one don't worry."

            After Ethan left Audrey and Cameron came in again. We decided to watch Riverdale together, just like old times.

            "I've never seen Ethan like that before," Cameron said.

            "All I know is that if it wasn't for him, chances are I wouldn't be talking to you guys right now." I said with a small smile.


                                                            Ethan's POV

            I slept for three hours, but I couldn't stop thinking about Taylor. I remember she asked for her phone, but the police said it was broken. I decided to go to Verizon and get her a new one. She deserves everything, so I decided on an iPhone X. Then I thought of an idea. I got a clear case and went back home before heading back to the hospital. I printed out a picture of us on the beach. It was the night I gave her the promise ring. This picture was probably my favorite of us.

            I missed her so much already so I decided to head back to the hospital. I peeked into her room to see her Dad sitting with her. They stopped talking when I entered the room.

            "Sorry to interrupt," I said.

            "Don't apologize Ethan, she's all yours" Taylor's dad told me as he got up walking out.

            I smiled at Taylor and said, "I got you something."

            "Aw, Eteeweetee, you didn't have to." Taylor said smiling.

            I pulled out the iPhone X from behind my back revealing the brand new phone. On it was the clear case with the picture of us inside it.

            "Ethan," Taylor said looking at me. "Thank you so so much."

            "It's the least I could do for you," I said handing her the phone. "So, what were you and your dad talking about?"

            "He really loves you Ethan, like a second son." Taylor told me holding my hand.

            "You have no idea how much that means to me," I said almost tearing up.

            Ever since this crazy event with Taylor happened I have been crazy emotional. I hate it.

            "I will be right back," I told Taylor standing up.

            I want to go talk to her dad. I walked out of the room and saw him sitting in the waiting room, alone. I walked over there and took a seat by him.

            "Hello Ethan," Taylor's dad said.

            "Hello sir," I said.

            "Call me Mark," he said. "So, what brings you here. You look very happy."

            "Well, I am always happy when I am around Taylor. I can't help it." I told him as he smiled. "She completes me and I just wanted to say thank you for all the support. To know that you support our relationship means so much."

            "Ethan, I haven't seen Taylor this happy since we brought her to Disney World for her tenth birthday." Mark said with a chuckle. "When ever you want to marry her, go for it, you don't need to ask. You two have something very special."

            "I really appreciate it Mark," I said with a smile. "I am going to head back to Taylor now."

            "Good talk Ethan," Mark said as I got up from my chair.

            I walked in the door to see Taylor with a worried expression on her face. The doctor had a sorry look. What now? What now?

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