Chapter 5

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Here, I will text Gray. Audrey told me grabbing her phone off the charger.

We clicked on Graysons contact and right when we did Grayson texted her. Perfect timing Grayson.

Grayson: Hey beautiful.

Audrey: Gray we need to talk. Well actually Taylor needs to talk to you.

Grayson: Okay?

Me: Hey Grayson

Grayson: Hey Taylor, whats going on?

Me: I am sorry I was being so rude to you guys and pushing you away.

Grayson: Its okay, I will admit I was a little confused considering the fact your brother said you have been looking up to us forever.

Me: I know, here is the reason why James hasnt had very many good/loyal friends in the past. The one thing I wanted him to have was one or two loyal friends. I see how you guys are together and I think he finally found some 😊 I just dont want to be the weird fan girl sister that screws it up and makes it weird.

Grayson: Wow, thats the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Me: That is exactly what James said

Grayson: Ya know Ethan has a huge crush on you. He has for a while.

Me: I know James just told me everything about that

Grayson: You have been killing him. Pushing him away and everything. He wanted you to come to the beach with us so bad today. Ethan literally just say there the whole day and didnt even do anything. Will you please give him a chance? You should talk to him

Me: I know, I have decided to get to know him. 😊


Me: Gray calm down

Grayson: You have no idea how happy he is going to be.

Me: I want to talk to him in person though. Please dont tell him anything?

Grayson: My lips are sealed so want to come over tomorrow? I will surprise him and not say anything? On one condition

Me: Sounds good, what is the condition?

Grayson: Audrey comes with 😉

Me: Well duh she is my partner in crime

Grayson: Goodnight Taylor, see you tomorrow

I feel good about this. I have butterflies just thinking about tomorrow. I am glad James convinced me to do this. I wouldve been dumb to push them away.

I gave Audrey her phone back and we both decided to go to bed. After all, tomorrow is going to be a big day. I cant wait.

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