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Song of the chapter: Next to You by Of Rust & Bone

Song of the chapter: Next to You by Of Rust & Bone

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EVELYN wasn't really sure why she turned to the darkness for help.

Everything was always so quiet, so still. She wasn't the biggest fan of serenity. She was never given a second thought and so being alone reminded her that she would never be in the presence of another.

Metaphorically speaking of course.

The sound of people talking, laughing, just being, helped calm her down.

So when she needed to get away, to make herself aware that she would never be appreciated, she walked to the warehouse at night.

And she never really knew why she was so attracted to the place. She never had a reason.

Strangely enough, this time she did.

Maddox Lohan was like a slap in the face for her. So sudden, so abruptly.

She'd heard the rumors. Maddox was not a force to be reckoned with. You don't get in his way. He was a boxer. And that made him a hell of a good fighter.

Being rich, his rebellious ways never reached so much as a peep outside their little wealthy society. Honestly it seemed like a cult at times.

Mara and Zach Lohan were likely to be the most important people in town though. Although Zach was a flake. He was never around.

This made it easy for Maddox to get off the hook. He was dangerous.

So imagine her shock when he cared for her. Made sure she was okay.

The fact that he even voiced his worries was enough to make her stumble over her words repeatedly.

Not to forget that he was talking to Evelyn Moreau.

No one bothered with her. She was an embarrassment and the whole town knew it. A mistake who ruined a perfect family.

Exactly why she was never shown off like her sister was. Never bothering with Evelyn, always fussing over Aralyn, their mother- Logan Moreau, made it her own personal mission to remind Evelyn that she may be her daughter, but that was it.

Everyone knew how unwanted Evelyn was. They reminded her. Hell the ones who liked to terrorize her made it extra hard for her to ever forget.

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