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Song of the chapter: Hostage by Billie Eilish

Song of the chapter: Hostage by Billie Eilish

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MADDOX was frustrated and confused.

Every time he looked at Evelyn, a feeling surfaced. It wasn't anything common, it was different and he wasn't sure about it.

He couldn't believe that he had kissed her. It just happened all of a sudden. He kept telling himself that he didn't like her, but it was hard to believe his own thoughts when he had to keep reminding himself of them, as if to actually convince himself.

After they reached the gala, he left her alone. He felt annoyance creep up as it mixed with his urge to kiss her again. Glancing around, he kept making sure she was in his sight. He may have left her, but he would still keep his eyes open.

"Dance with me."

Looking over at Tiana he groaned, "I don't dance and you know that."

Rolling her eyes Tiana pulled him out of his seat, "Well now you do."

Needing the distraction anyway, he didn't object when she dragged him to the dance floor as a slow song started playing. The people talking left as couples shuffled onto the floor.

As Tiana put her arms on his shoulders, Maddox let his hands rest on her waist right above the curve of her hips.

The dress she wore was truly beautiful and she sparkled like a gem. It was a very simple silver dress which fell a little loosely after her hips allowing her to maneuver more easily. Her hair was up in a chignon bun and a few stray hairs fell, delicately framing her face. She wore a natural eye as the bold shade of blood red on her lips made every man in the room want to get a taste.

Just not Maddox.

Sighing dramatically, Tiana flicked Maddox's temple with her fingers. As he looked at her, she gave him an expression that said 'what the hell is wrong with you?'

"Seriously, what's on your mind?"


Ignoring the annoyed look on her face, he tried to subtly glance around looking for Evelyn. Seeing her sat at one of the circular tables picking at some food, he let out a sigh of relief.

"So that's what this is about."

Looking at Tiana, he feigned confusion, "What?"

Raising an eyebrow, she turned her head back to look at Evelyn. Turning back around she shot him an obvious look.

As she continued to stare daggers at him, he felt himself give in, "Just want to make sure she's doing okay."

Tiana scrunched her nose and let out a scoff indicating that she was a little hateful towards Evelyn. Of course, Maddox was too thick in the head to know that.

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