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Song of the chapter: Couple of Kids by Maggie Lindemann

Song of the chapter: Couple of Kids by Maggie Lindemann

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EVELYN assessed the scene around her. Rubbing her eyes, she yawned and stretched her limbs as she tried to remember how she got here.

In Maddox's room. With his arm slung around her.

Taking a look outside, she could tell it was still dark and straining her eyes to see the time on the analog clock by the bed, she didn't understand why she was awake at 12:58 a.m.

Thinking long and hard, her night's earlier interactions came rushing back.

"You don't like the way I look."

"I think you're beautiful."

Slapping her hand to her mouth, she held in a gasp trying to process what to make of these incoming thoughts. She squished her cheeks together to stop her flushed cheeks from becoming any redder as she thought back to Maddox almost kissing her. Again.

"I do want to kiss you. But not like this."



Breathing slowly, she turned to look at Maddox sleeping soundly beside her. Staring at him, she trailed a finger along his jawline, basking in the warmth he provided her. Biting her lip in uncertainty, she pressed them together not wanting to let out an excited squeal.

He thought she was beautiful. He wanted to kiss her too.

A small smile graced her features as a feeling of absolute euphoria was brought upon her. Is this what it was like to feel wanted?

Because she never wanted to let this feeling go.

But her dream came crashing down as she felt him tightening his grip on her waist. It became more aggressive and forceful. Soon enough, he started mumbling something which she couldn't decipher. Wincing at the pain, she attempted to wiggle out of his hold, but that only angered him further.

All of a sudden, his eyes shot open as he turned them over so he was glaring at her from above. Her heart stopped beating.

He was choking her.

"Maddox," she attempted to say trying to claw his hands away from her throat.


The murderous stare was gone from his eyes as he blinked to come face to face with a terrified Evelyn. Understanding what he had just done, he quickly got off her and rushed to get as far away from the bed as he could.

Shaking his head, he wouldn't dare meet her eyes.

Kneeling on the bed now, she was looking at him in broken fear. He probably mistook it for flat-out fear of him. But she was just scared for him. And his past. The monsters that never left him alone, even in his sleep.

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