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Song of the chapter: So Cold by Ben Cocks feat. Nikisha Reyes

 Nikisha Reyes

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EVELYN longed to go to the town fair.

It was an annual thing.

How Aralyn described the fair to be such a joyous occasion.

Evelyn longed to go each year, but each year her parents declined her attendance. No one needn't see Evelyn outside of school. She picked up her bag before making her way out of the house.

Work called.

But only at nights.

The diner was never the most popular place for the people of the town. It was only that the diner had been around for so long that people would come in to reminisce over old times.

It was a blurry memory.

She worked hard to keep the diner alive though. Convincing the owner to continue running the place despite the owner's words to 'close the damn place now'.

She sighed as she wiped down a table. Looking up, she yawned upon noticing the time on the clock.

11:16 p.m.

Sleep was surely her enemy, even though she longed for it. When she slept, she cried and quivered and screamed. Terrors in her mind ruined her peace each night.

She was afraid to sleep.

But it didn't matter anymore. It still managed to overtake her and she drifted off into a chaotic slumber, sleeping for an hour or two before waking up in a sweat and forcing herself to stay awake.

Coming back from her thoughts, she jumped as she heard the bell chime, indicating another customer.

But the chatter that entered suggested that it was a group of people rather than a single person.

She lifted her head and froze as she took in the scene before her.

School mates.

Why would they be here at 11:30 p.m?

A sharp inhale of breath displayed the fear that overtook her.

These kids weren't the ones who ignored her existence.


They were the kids who made her regret her existence. Just like her family.

Shielding her face with her hair, she walked around the counter realizing she'd have to serve them.

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